I went to my high school reunion this weekend – which was an absolute blast. I stayed with a long time friend of mine, we met in 8th grade biology class. Lol. We share fond memories together. I was in her wedding. I knew her parents. I know her family. She knows mine. There’s nothing quite like a friend who has known you since you were fourteen, right? I am very grateful for our friendship.
Though we’re dear friends, we couldn’t be more different.
We have different perspectives, differing points of view, different beliefs. It occurred to me that our differences mirror what is happening in our country today.
I’m a big proponent of sharing your truth and what you stand for – even when others disagree or have a differing opinion. Stand for what you believe in, no matter what. Here’s a caveat. Always be kind and communicate with respect. You don’t need to make the other person wrong.
It’s our differences, not our similarities that make us grow.
Next time you’re talking with your spouse, partner, sibling, child, colleague or friend, be open and curious to their point of view. Listening to different perspectives keeps you open. It keeps you flexible. It makes you better.
Celebrate your differences.