We search for it. As we pursue, it’s always out of reach. It’s just around the corner, out of our grasp. Perhaps that’s why “the idea” of it is so appealing. We try to manage and control it because we want our day to day life to look a certain way. It’s hard to win at this game because balance is a trap.
If we had balance, ALL OF THE TIME, life would be BORING.
Think of a teeter totter, if you stayed in the middle, wouldn’t it be dull? The fun is going up and down – with someone else on the other side. The same is true for a swing, if you were always up, you’d want to go the other way. And vise versa.
I don’t think it’s balance we want. I think what we really want is clarity and to feel grounded and at ease. So no matter what arises in life, ups or downs, we flow with it rather than fight or resist it.
The truth is, balance is an inside job. It’s trusting yourself, trusting that YOU GOT THIS and THE UNIVERSE HAS YOUR BACK. It’s being present to your thoughts because your thoughts create your feelings. To feel inspired, motivated, optimistic and have abundant energy, feed your mind with positive, uplifting thoughts.
CONVICTION leads to CREATING the life you want
What nutritious thoughts are you CHOOSING today? Share in the comments below!