11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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We all have dreams. Some big, some small. 

All is available to us, anything we want. But we first need to get out of our own way.

What usually holds us back is a core belief (or many) that we developed in childhood that we are still attached to. Without knowing it, these beliefs run us.

Some limiting core beliefs and thoughts are:

I’m not deserving of making tons of money

I’m not worthy of a loving relationship

If I don’t overdo and over busy, I’ll turn into a bag lady

If I trust him/her, I’ll get disappointed

Life is full of struggle and suffering

I never get what I want

These beliefs and thoughts keep us trapped and confined. It’s as if we’re on a merry go round in our head – stuck in a mental loop that makes it impossible to get – anywhere

It’s not easy to let go of our limiting beliefs. The only way we can is to challenge them. Ask yourself:

What is the #1 belief or recurring thought that drains my energy, that gets in the way of realizing my dream? Then ask: is it true?

It’s time to let go of the mental patterns and the stories you tell yourself that don’t serve you. It’s time to get over it. You are deserving. You are worthy. You are loved. You are an AWE-INSPIRING being with chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top.

Open up fully to Yourself and Your Life. Your bright and abundant future awaits.

Get Out of Your Own Way