I recently went for a walk with a dear friend of mine. She said this to me:
“One of your best qualities is that you are loyal. Then she said, it’s also a hindrance.”
Her comment got me thinking. When does being loyal become too loyal?
We were raised to be loyal and loyalty comes in many forms. We can be committed to an idea, a belief, a person, a brand, a community, a company, a boss or a family tradition. Loyalty becomes a fault when it hurts us or doesn’t have the “juice” it once did or no longer is aligned with who we are now. Being too loyal can keep us hanging on to a person, an idea or a notion that is in past time.
It’s often loyalty that prevents us from change and opening up to something new.
I am not advocating throwing out the baby with the bathwater. What I am suggesting is to ponder these questions:
What are you committed to that doesn’t light you up?
What beliefs do you have that are out of date?
What relationships don’t make you feel good?
Who or what is getting in the way of your progress?
Give yourself permission to let go of what no longer serves you. Be open and receptive to bringing more of what resonates into your life.