11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Last week I wrote about looking back at all you’ve accomplished in the past year and how you’ve grown. Have you done that yet? It’s super important to be complete with the past year before moving to the next. If you aren’t yet, decide what you want to do about the things that aren’t complete and are preoccupying your mind. Perhaps you need to have a conversation or write about it. The objective is to be present as you create your goals for the new year.

You know what I mean. No shouldas, wouldas, couldas as you envision your future.

Now let’s look at what you want in 2020. You can choose to make it a daunting exercise or an exciting one. I say make it the latter! Buy yourself a new notebook, cozy up with a cup of your favorite tea and answer these questions:

What is my intention for the year?

What do I want to create?

What do I want my life to look like?

What am I saying YES to?

What am I saying NO to?

Once you have your answers, by all means, create a vision board. I created two this year, one for business and one for my personal life. Why not? Have fun with it. If you’d rather do it with others, invite a few friends over for a simple dinner and make a night of it.

To let more of what you want in, start saying NO to people and situations that zap your energy. Start saying NO to obligation and YES to what brings you inspiration, joy, and ease.

Each day, you get to decide what to bring into your life. Be intentional. Choose wisely.

Who or What Inspires You?