I went for a long hike with a friend over the weekend, one of the things that keeps me sane. We talked about the ways people are struggling and the emotions they are feeling – fear, sadness, anxiety, depression, and vulnerability. All the things that I’ve been writing and coaching about since the pandemic hit.
It’s hard to feel these feelings. I certainly have had to grapple with my own share.
Earlier this week, I went back and read all the newsletters I’ve written. I came across one dated October 2017. Here’s an excerpt from it:
Many of us are feeling overwhelmed these days because there is so much uncertainty in the world. Fear and anxiety are at an all-time high. We’ve had so much destruction in such a short period of time – the multiple hurricanes, the Las Vegas shooting, the Northern California fires. People are walking on eggshells, wondering when the next shoe is going to drop. When so much is happening, it’s difficult to feel inspired and to stay focused on what you want to create in your life.
W H O A.
The light bulb went on. We’ve been in a state of duress for a V E R Y long time.
Predictability used to made us feel safe. If you’ve lost your footing, you are not alone. So what do we do?
We cook up a smorgasbord of compassion for ourselves, partners, friends, family, essential workers, pets, colleagues, and our community. We fill up on thoughts that make us feel centered and calm. We fill up on the people and things in our lives that nurture us. We fill up on what inspires us.
Feed yourself until your stomach is full. Once you fill up, you will find the clarity, conviction, confidence to create what’s next in your life.