11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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I go for a long hike on Saturday’s with my friend Amber and my dog, Pie. It’s our time to catch up, solve the world’s problems and “get it all out on the mountain.” Our hikes are therapy for the body, mind and soul. This past week she told me about a friend whose mother died suddenly in a car accident. We quickly got on the topic of loss and how we never know when the unthinkable might happen.

A sudden death of a loved one, a business folds overnight, a marriage splits, a cancer diagnosis, a friend dies of Covid, the tragedy in India. There’s been so much loss lately. The truth is, none of us will leave this life unscathed.

So what to do when the unthinkable happens?

1. Honor your feelings and feel deeply.
It’s natural to want to run away from them, believe me, I get it. Yet the only way forward is through.

2. Give yourself permission to do whatever the $%&* you want.
Hide underneath the covers for as long as it takes. Being overly busy is NOT a solution.

3. Grieve. Then grieve some more.
Give into it. Trust that the grieving process won’t last forever. 

4. Let your pain propel you forward on your life path.
Loss has a way of shining its light on what our purpose is and the action we want to take in the world. Only when you are ready, no rush.

5. Connect with what truly matters.
Restore and replenish first. Then reconnect with YOUR Joy and what inspires you.

One day you’ll emerge stronger, wiser and more resilient. You’ll declare: I’m back.

If you’ve experienced a loss and grieving, I’ve got your back. Sign up for a free 45 minute coaching session with me here

To replenish + reconnect with Joy and what truly matters, join my Eat the Brownie Challenge here


When the Unthinkable Happens.