11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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A behavior pattern of mine reared its ugly head this week.

I was sending emails last Friday and received an error that they didn’t go out. I then realized that I wasn’t receiving any either. I called Apple tech support and was told it was an issue with Google. I reached out to Google with no success. Since Bluehost is in the mix, I called them and they said it was an issue with Godaddy. Godaddy said go back to Google.

I was caught in a loop with no end in sight.

This circus went on for a week. Without boring you with deets, I hired two tech experts to help me. Finally it was resolved yesterday – that’s why you’re receiving this email. 🙂

I’d like to think I was calm through it all. Nope, not on your life. I was frustrated. I was worried. I felt helpless. The truth is, my anxiety was off the charts. It was as if the situation was life threatening.

Then it dawned on me.

For 20 years, when a technical snafu happens, whether my computer is pronounced dead, email or another application goes belly up, I become a big hot mess.

Then I realized.

Every single time I’ve had a technical snafu, it always gets fixed. Always.

We all have situations that challenge us. For me, it’s the techie stuff. For others, it’s the stress of the Holidays. Or pent up anxiety before a big presentation. Or someone cuts you off in traffic. Or your partner or friend doesn’t do what he/she has promised. It all boils down to one thing: feeling a lack of control.

And there’s A LOT that’s not in our control these days.

Since this behavior pattern was staring me in the face, I decided to adopt a new attitude I learned from the experts. Stay centered, focused and trust the tech process. And breathe.

Hasta la vista old behavior pattern. Hola to calm, cool and collected.