11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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I’ve been writing about living with uncertainty for three years now. It’s still a popular topic as our day to day continues to shift. 

Uncertainty is a scary thing for most of us. We crave security and the fear of the unknown has caused anxiety and worry levels to skyrocket on a global level. The truth is, we grew up thinking we had control over situations, outcomes, people, and our environment. Then the events of the last three years happened. It brought us a stark reality we never had control in the first place.

As the new year unfolds, here are a few reminders on how to thrive in uncertainty:

Tips for Thriving In Uncertainty

1) It’s a Part of Life

Learn to Accept It. Wishing and wanting things the way they used to be, only makes us struggle, miserable, and even more fearful. We all know that what we resist, persists. If you find yourself worrying excessively, focus your attention on problems you can solve.

2) Create Different Possibilities

It’s hard not to know what the future holds. Yet, you can be open and plan for other scenarios. Your realm of possibilities lies at the intersection of your unique strengths, skills, values, and passions. Get creative and come up with a Plan B and even a Plan C.

3) Nix Expectations

Unrealistic expectations set you up for disappointment and will take you off your game. I’m a big believer in having high standards, a clear intention and vision, and consistently taking action toward your goals. Just don’t get attached to certain outcomes!

4) Exercise Your Resiliency and Adaptability Muscles

Resiliency is the key to success, especially during stressful times. Being able to reframe a difficult situation into something positive allows you to bounce back more quickly. Consistently exercising these muscles will build strength so you can handle anything that comes your way.

5) Focus on What You Can Control

We have control over many things. Our attitude, routine, the food we eat, exercise, beliefs, thought patterns, actions we take, how we respond to situations, the company we keep, and how we spend our time. Every single day, you get to make empowering choices that support your well-being. 

6) Practice Being Present

Our natural tendency is to run away from uncomfortable thoughts and emotions. That’s where mindfulness and meditation come in. When your mind starts racing, try taking a few deep breaths or a brisk walk. Either will help you shift so you can fully experience what’s happening at the moment.

Change is the only constant in life. You may not know exactly what lies ahead but you can open up and plan for expanded possibilities.

What breakthrough are you seeking?

When nothing is sure, everything is possible. - Margaret Drabble