11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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When Life Is Inconvenient.

When Life Is Inconvenient.

We’re in our 3rd + week of quarantine and many people feel they’re ready for a change of scenery. How about you?

Just a few weeks ago, we were accustomed to moving, changing, and diverting when we were bored or things weren’t exactly the way we liked or when we ‘had the urge’ for that special somethin’. At a moment’s notice, on a whim, we had the freedom to do and go wherever and get whatever we wanted. 

Now many of us are at a standstill, waiting for life to get back to normal. Truth be told, when all said and done, life will look different than it did just a few weeks ago.

Our paradigm has shifted and we are being asked to shift too. We are being asked to get out of our comfort zone and step into a new way of being and doing. We are being asked to let go of thoughts, beliefs, and stories that no longer serve us. We are being asked to shed our shame, guilt, and past regrets. We are being asked to embrace new beliefs about ourselves and our world. We are being asked to fully embrace our power and confidence so we can step into a larger picture of success. 

I didn’t say it was easy. But true success in life isn’t always convenient. Or easy. Or comfortable. I am reminded of this quote by Adriana Locke: The best things in life don’t come easy, but those things are the ones that are worth it.   

Together, let’s build our confidence and rise up to ourselves so we can truly make a difference in other people’s lives.

Rise Up

How to Deal with Uncertainty.

How to Deal with Uncertainty.

There’s a ton of uncertainty in the air right now. We’re all feeling out of sorts. We’re used to pushing forward and don’t feel we can accomplish what we want, whether it’s planning our next work event, wedding, graduation, summer vacation, signing up a new client, or landing our next coveted position.

Uncertainty leads to fear and fear constricts and limits us. The unknown is causing our stress and anxiety to go through the roof which is the last thing we need more of.

Here are a few tips to deal with our uncertain times:

Nix the Expectations. ReEnvision Your Future

Expectations, as I’ve said before, are a breeding ground for disappointment. Instead of thinking about what you thought you wanted, create a vision for your life that’s even better than you could have imagined.

Create Different Possibilities

The hardest part of uncertainty is not feeling you’re in control. But you can plan for other possibilities. Get creative, time to bring out the whiteboard! Come up with a Plan B and even a Plan C.

Exercise Your Flexibility and Resiliency Muscles

At times like these, they need a consistent workout. You are more adaptable than you think you are. You can handle more than you think you can. You can handle anything that comes your way. Yes, You Can.

Focus on What You Can Control

There are so many things we can control and do. Decide and plan your daily routine. Do your best work ever, run like you’ve never run before, hike with a friend, learn a new language, take a virtual tour, yoga or barre class

Practice Being Present

When things get uncomfortable, our natural tendency is to resist or run away from our feelings. Look at all the things you are learning in this new normal. Do your best to fully experience what is happening right now.

Change is the only constant in life so let’s try to embrace it. We may not know exactly what the future holds but we can open up and plan for abundant possibilities.

When nothing is sure, everything is possible  –  Margaret Drabble

Yes You Can

Let’s Gain Our Power Back.

Let’s Gain Our Power Back.

We’ve been trying to get our head around what’s happened over the last week or so. We are going through a process and at different stages of settling into this new reality.

We are grieving. Like any loss, the process looks like this: 

Denial – Early on, this virus isn’t real and won’t affect us

Anger – I have to stay home and can’t do what I want?

Bargaining – After two or three weeks, everything will be ok, right?

Sadness – I have no idea how this will end

Acceptance – This is happening, I need to come up with a plan

Acceptance allows us to gain our power back.

Some of us still have to catch up, aren’t ready to accept this new normal. That’s ok. Hurrying the process doesn’t work so give yourself permission to take a pause for as long as you need. 

For others of us, we’re ready to figure out a plan on how to proceed.

To develop an action plan, decide what your intention is. Decide what your goals are. Decide what you are truly committed to. Perhaps it’s:

To expand your capacity to lead

To revision and reshape your life

To start your business  

To get in the best shape of your life

To get your business online 

To work on your significant relationship

To prioritize self-care 

To dust off your resume and LI profile 

To implement that business idea that you put on the back burner 

To pivot your career or business entirely

What are your priorities – now?

If you feel you’re ready to get into action and need help, I would love to hear from you. I will send you an Action Plan worksheet that will guide you through the process.

Let’s take this opportunity to S T R E T C H. There is no better time than now.

The Time is Now

Managing Fear and Anxiety.

Managing Fear and Anxiety.

We’re living in unprecedented times. We are on lockdown in the San Francisco Bay Area and are stunned how quickly this has come upon us.

When the rug gets pulled out from under us when we don’t know and feel like we have zero control, it’s natural to feel our security is at stake, it’s natural to feel vulnerable. It’s natural to feel anxious. Let’s not forget, we’re human.

Times like these call for radical discipline. Discipline of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions. A few thoughts:

Reign in your fear, don’t let it run rampant. Pause and acknowledge it. Try not to share your anxiety with everyone. Fear is contagious so do your best to not spread it.

Manage the hoarding mentality. The media isn’t helping, I know! We will not go hungry. You are the only one who can determine how much is enough.

Think positive thoughts. Focus on all you’re grateful for. Get inspired about what you want to create next. Or your plan to pivot. Focus and inspiration are contagious too.

Get into nature and into your body. Walk, hike, online yoga, meditate. Do what makes you feel connected. Soak up the sunshine. Breathe and breathe some more. 

Don’t forget humor and levity. Laughter is contagious too. I watched Stephen Colbert at 7am. Made my day!

What we focus on expands. Hunker down and choose wisely. 

“Worrying won’t stop the bad stuff from happening. It stops you from enjoying the good.”   – Author Unknown

If our current reality is getting the best of you, I can help. Book a free call with me here.

Stay healthy and spread light. #Faith.


Ditch The Agenda.

Ditch The Agenda.

Agendas, we all have them.

We were taught to create agendas, especially in our professional lives. I was at least. Agendas everywhere. Agendas for meetings, with clients, for certain outcomes. We learned that if we have a linear agenda, we would get the outcome we want. Agendas are synonymous with success. 

Agendas may work in our careers but they don’t work in relationships.

When you have an agenda for a relationship, whether it’s with a friend, family member or romantic partner, you are pushing your wants, needs or fears onto the other person. Agendas are a way of trying to control the outcome. We’ve all been on the receiving end of someone who has an agenda. We can feel it. It feels like an expectation. It feels like a burden. It feels yucky. 

So how to move out of the agenda trap? Ask yourself:

Am I caught up in what should happen or how it’s supposed to go? Shoulds are about expectations and will lead to disappointment, every time.

Is my primary focus to be reassured and get my needs met? Imagine you will get what you want. Take a deep breath and get present to what’s happening right now.

Am I focused on a specific outcome? Being laser focused on a goal robs us of fully engaging with the other person.

Clinging to an agenda keeps us in our heads, not in our hearts. Who wants that?

Ditch the agenda. Adios, buh-bye.

Open up to limitless possibilities, with every person, in every situation.


Let Go