11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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So You Want a Productive and Positive 2024? Avoid “The Rabbit” Hole.

So You Want a Productive and Positive 2024? Avoid “The Rabbit” Hole.

One of my main goals this year, and every year is to be highly productive. I can get hyper-focused but lately, I find I’m more susceptible to distractions. Perhaps it’s how fast things are moving and changing around us, or the turbulence and chaos in our own lives or our loved ones, the media and the biggest time suck of all – social media.

Going down a rabbit hole does have its positive connotations – expansive thinking, exploring, being in discovery mode. But in this article, I’m talking about the not so useful kind of rabbit hole that leads to anxious feelings and wasted time.

Let me know if any of these situations resonate with you:

  • Your child or loved one has a terrible rash and you “google the heck out of it” concluding she/he has a rare disease
  • You wake up in the middle of the night and your mind is spinning, going over the details of the day, ruminating about what you didn’t do or wish you hadn’t said
  • You get obsessed with a topic or person on social media and Instagram becomes your best and worst friend

One minute you’re having a productive and positive day, the next minute you’re in the midst of a downward spiral where your thoughts turn on your panic button, turn off your immune system along with the creative part of your brain.

It’s normal to want to know and have information, it’s a way to feel we’re in control and leading our lives. Yet when we start to feel crummy or disempowered or dissatisfied, it’s time to stop the Google, Instagram or FB obsession and comparison game.

In a world full of distractions, how do you stay on course?

  • You focus on your top priorities.
  • You create boundaries with your schedule and with people.
  • You monitor your thoughts and emotions so they are positive and don’t run on the fear track.
  • You make intention and discipline your mantras.

Let’s face it, we have control of what’s going on around us sometimes and sometimes not.

Here are some things you do have control over:

👉 You can flip the switch from your active monkey mind and focus on your heart.

👉 You can go for a walk or hike and BREATHE.

👉 You can grant yourself a daily dose of gratitude.

👉 You can turn off notifications when you’re working on a deadline.

👉 You can create blocks of time on your calendar to get things done.

👉 You can respond to texts twice a day – rather than 100.

👉 You can reduce time on social media and how often you read/listen to news.

👉 You can discipline your thoughts so they are “I AM ENOUGH”, “I CAN DO ANYTHING I SET MY MIND TO”

👉 You can make your goals a priority over those of others.

A whole new year is unfolding. It’s up to you to curb everyday distractions that get in the way of meeting your goals and accomplishing what you want most.

If you’re ready to maximize your potential and productivity this year, let’s get on a call. https://calendly.com/woman-unruled/30-minute-etb

What breakthrough are you seeking?

Where were you a year ago?

Where were you a year ago?

A brand spanking new year! For me, it’s an opportunity to look back and reflect on how much I’ve grown and accomplished in the past year. 

Years ago I was working with a coach (we all need one!) who gave me specific questions. Since then, I’ve come up with a list of questions of my own. Every year around the new year, I take a time out before I move forward to the next year. Here are the questions I ask:

What did I learn?

What did I accomplish?

Who did I serve?

Who was I kind to?

Who was kind to me?

What inspired me?

How did I show up?

What am I most proud of?

What brought me the greatest JOY? 

As you usher in the new year, own your brilliance and all that you’ve become. Celebrate yourself. Toast yourself with a glass of bubbly. Celebrate thoroughly. Then ask:

What do I want more of in 2024?

Happy New Year! A super-abundant, freedom-filled meaningful new year awaits.


Own Your Brilliance

Turn on the Lights this Holiday Season.

Turn on the Lights this Holiday Season.

It’s Winter Solstice today, the shortest and darkest day of the year. A time to pause, BREATHE, reflect and renew.

The shortest day can only mean brighter days ahead.

It’s been easy to focus on the darkness surrounding us lately. Let’s face it, it’s an intense year FOR EVERYONE. People are tired and at their wits end.

Yet, truth be told, darkness, begets darkness. Anger begets anger. Resentment begets resentment. Anxiety begets anxiety. Hate begets hate. And fear begets more fear.

On the flip side, light begets light. Peace begets peace. Calm begets calm. Kindness begets kindness. Respect begets respect. And joy and gratitude, begets more joy and gratitude.

Just like a highly contagious virus, emotions can be like a super spreader event.

If you’re feeling stressed and A LOT of fear these days, believe me, you are not alone! Today is an opportunity to SHIFT.

From patience to understanding

From distraction to presence

From crazy busy to more ease

From self loathing to self love

From judging others to accepting

From cynical to trusting

From feeling like a victim, to feeling empowered

You always have the power to turn on the lights or sit in the darkness. FLIP THE SWITCH to bring more light into your life and your relationships.

No More Waiting. Choose Joy.

No More Waiting. Choose Joy.

I went to a holiday party last weekend at dear friends I’ve known for over 20 years. Some faces were blasts from the past and many new faces alike. It was a lovely gathering – all around. One of the highlights was meeting the father of someone I worked with at a company eons ago. He recently turned 100. Yep, he’s ONE HUNDRED YEARS OLD.

When I heard he was at the party, I wanted to meet him. I had to wait awhile as others wanted to sit next to him on the couch too. As soon as the seat became vacant, I made a beeline over to meet him.

He was present, looked into my eyes and his mental faculties were intact. He told me about his career and that he married twice. He said one of the hardest things is not having any friends his age anymore. 

What an amazing, kind man. 

Here’s the thing:

We don’t have to wait until we’re 100 to stop living by the “shoulds”. We don’t have to wait until we’re 100 to exude confidence. We don’t have to wait to be present with ourselves and everyone we meet. We don’t have to wait to understand one another.

We don’t have to wait to feel real joy on a daily basis.

We don’t have to wait. No matter whether you’re in 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or 60’s, start Now.

Is there something or someone you’ve been waiting for? 

If you are ready to create more joy in your life, sign up for your free 30 minute coaching session below.


What breakthrough are you seeking?

How to Avoid Conflict this Holiday Season. Read This.

How to Avoid Conflict this Holiday Season. Read This.

Many people have a short fuse these days.

Not only are the holidays upon us, add the stressors of congregating with extended family, the lingering effects of the pandemic, worldwide divisiveness, weather mayhem, and end-of-year work issues, we have a lot on our plates and a lot to digest. As a client of mine so aptly put, “There is a feeling of chaos everywhere.”

The current environment is a perfect storm for altercations to arise. Conversations can ignite, quickly escalate and get out of hand.

Here are a few tips to avoid conflict this holiday season:

👉 Don’t be surprised if a disagreement arises. There is a ton of frustration and anger in the air. If you are on the receiving end, before firing back a response, take a moment and breathe.

👉 Be curious. Hmm..why is she/he/they upset? Is it about me or just transference taking place? 9 times out of 10, the reason the person is upset has nothing to do with you.

👉 Do your best to not take what he/she/they say personally. I know, easier said than done! Yet, it is easier than opening yourself up to attack or an explosive conversation.

👉 State your truth in a calm, centered, compassionate manner. By all means, avoid saying things back like:

👉 “You make no sense.”
👉 “You are so defensive.”
👉 “I told you so.”
👉 “You shouldn’t do it that way.”
👉 “You never listen.”

👉 All verbal disasters waiting to happen.

If you follow the steps above and are still under personal attack, agree to disagree. Or table the conversation for another time. Or walk away. This way you will avoid hearing and saying things you will regret.

And the final step?

SHAKE IT OFF AND GO ABOUT YOUR DAY. Just like my dog, Pie does.

What breakthrough are you seeking?