11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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How to Not Give a Shit What Others Think.

How to Not Give a Shit What Others Think.

I love seeing my clients grow into their authentic power and advance in their careers. It’s why I do what I do. Some of my favorite results I see are when clients shift from:

Having perfection as a mantra to embracing their ‘messy’

Playing the comparison game to feeling comfortable in their skin

Feeling insecure they don’t fit into claiming their uniqueness

Acquiescing to bosses to share their strong opinions

Feeling intimated by large Zoom meetings to speaking up

Doubting themselves to feeling confident in their decisions 

Prioritizing what others think to not giving a shit

Feeling disempowered to feeling like a badass

You don’t have to wait until you’re 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 to stop giving a shit what others think. You don’t have to wait until you’re older to feel totally awesome about YOU and what you bring to the table. You don’t have to wait to create the life you want – on your terms.

You can do it right NOW.

Being in the driver’s seat of your life starts with knowing who you are authentically – the most powerful version of YOU. Join me for the Your Authentic Brand Workshop on February 10th. 

Find all the details and sign up right here.

Embrace All of Who You Are. Warts and All.

Embrace All of Who You Are. Warts and All.

A brand spanking new year! It doesn’t feel like it, yet. With Omicron still raging, we can’t exactly put the petal to the metal. That’s why January is the perfect month to reflect, reevaluate and renew.

Our landscape has literally shifted under our feet the past two years. Many of us still feel wobbly, others are searching for clarity or craving momentum. Here’s the deal. With so much uncertainty still in the air, the #1 thing you can lean on is knowing who you really are.

Authenticity is the cornerstone for creating a fulfilling life. It’s the choice to show up and be REAL. It’s your most powerful asset, always, and a direct path to your success.

I’m offering my Authentic Brand Workshop again in February! I’ll take you on a journey to discover your strengths, skills, passions, values and superpowers. The result? You’ll have more clarity and focus, and feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Yep, you’ll be on fire! Stay tuned for details next week.

May 2022 be the year you let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace all of who you are – warts and all.

You attract the right things when you have a sense of who you are. – Amy Poehler

Say Buh Bye to Old Patterns!

Say Buh Bye to Old Patterns!

A behavior pattern of mine reared its ugly head this week.

I was sending emails last Friday and received an error that they didn’t go out. I then realized that I wasn’t receiving any either. I called Apple tech support and was told it was an issue with Google. I reached out to Google with no success. Since Bluehost is in the mix, I called them and they said it was an issue with Godaddy. Godaddy said go back to Google.

I was caught in a loop with no end in sight.

This circus went on for a week. Without boring you with deets, I hired two tech experts to help me. Finally it was resolved yesterday – that’s why you’re receiving this email. 🙂

I’d like to think I was calm through it all. Nope, not on your life. I was frustrated. I was worried. I felt helpless. The truth is, my anxiety was off the charts. It was as if the situation was life threatening.

Then it dawned on me.

For 20 years, when a technical snafu happens, whether my computer is pronounced dead, email or another application goes belly up, I become a big hot mess.

Then I realized.

Every single time I’ve had a technical snafu, it always gets fixed. Always.

We all have situations that challenge us. For me, it’s the techie stuff. For others, it’s the stress of the Holidays. Or pent up anxiety before a big presentation. Or someone cuts you off in traffic. Or your partner or friend doesn’t do what he/she has promised. It all boils down to one thing: feeling a lack of control.

And there’s A LOT that’s not in our control these days.

Since this behavior pattern was staring me in the face, I decided to adopt a new attitude I learned from the experts. Stay centered, focused and trust the tech process. And breathe.

Hasta la vista old behavior pattern. Hola to calm, cool and collected.

Addicted to Distraction?

Addicted to Distraction?

I was talking with a client who is a super successful Business Development guy with unparalleled expertise in his field. Seriously, he’s one of a kind and at the top of his game.

Yet, like many of us, he’s having a hard time staying on task and getting what he wants to get done, done.

In a world of constant change and distractions, how do you stay on course?

You focus on your top priorities. You create boundaries with your schedule and with people. You monitor your thoughts and emotions so they are positive and don’t run on the fear track. You make discipline your mantra.

The truth is, sometimes we can control what’s going on around us, sometimes not. Here are some things you have control over:

👉 You can turn off devices or notifications when you’re working on a deadline

👉 You can create blocks of time on your calendar to get things done

👉 You can respond to texts twice a day – rather than 100

👉 You can minimize time on social media and how often you read/listen to news

👉 You can discipline your thoughts so they are “CAN DO” vs. “CAN NOT”

👉 You can make your goals a priority over those of others – YES you can


The end of the year is fast approaching. It’s up to you to say NO to everyday distractions that get in the way of meeting your goals and getting ‘er done.

Slowwwww Dowwwwn.

Slowwwww Dowwwwn.

I love Thanksgiving. It’s a time to pause, reflect and open our hearts.

You all know I’m a big fan of gratitude practice but I realized recently, I was just going through the motions. I would do my yoga routine, meditate, connect with my intention and feel super grateful in the moment. But the feeling didn’t stick with me through the day. I felt exhausted and out of balance.

I bet many of you can relate.

To regain my “attitude of gratitude”, it was clear to me I needed to stop rushing and slow down. That included my thoughts, my activities, even the little things like how fast I drive and how hard I work out. I had a sense of urgency to move through the world and get stuff done. Wonder Woman was once my hero but she just wasn’t working for me – anymore.

With that awareness, I made a few simple changes:

I started taking the scenic route while driving instead of the direct path.

I became more selective about the podcasts I listen to and the news I read.

I stopped stressing about things and started trusting that everything I need to get done, will get done.

Plus, to feel inspired:

I’ve been playing Elton John and Dua Lipa’s Cold Heart – on repeat. Dance party for one, anyone?

I listened to Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist on Audible. Jeremy Irons narrates it and it’s even better than the written book! It’s filled with so many nuggets of wisdom.

I surround myself with candles at every opportunity.

With slowing down and making these minor shifts, I feel more grounded and present. And, my “attitude of gratitude” is back.

It doesn’t take much to get back into balance. Grant yourself permission to slow down this holiday. Everything will get done, I promise.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving:

Seek out the things that inspire and rejuvenate you. May you feel gratitude for all the abundance in your life, especially, for those who contribute to your life.

Wishing you a heartfelt and fun Thanksgiving week.