11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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I believe in serendipity and magic. Do you?

​​​To recognize it, you have to be open to it. You have to make room for it. If you’re distracted, not present or attached to how it’s supposed to be, it’s difficult to see magic when it shows up in life. It requires being in the moment.

I also believe in being clear on who you are and you what you really want. Not what ​​​​​​​you wanted 10 years ago or a year ago. What you want right now. Once you know, start taking decisive and repeated action – every single day – towards your dream for yourself, your community or for the world. And, be flexible on how things unfold.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Why? It’s where the land ​​​​​​​of possibility resides.

Here’s an example:

You set an intention to find a life partner. You create a list of attributes:

Super smart, attractive, well-educated, sexy, charismatic, financially successful, athletic, thoughtful, loving, loads of fun, funny, likes to cook, loves dogs and travel, a good communicator and subscribes to the New York Times.​​​​​​​

Hmm…that’s pretty specific. How about something like this instead?

I’m open if he/she is kind, has a ton of integrity and we’re comfortable together. I’ll know it when I see it. Or better yet, I’ll know if when I feel it.

When you’re open, opportunities knock at your door. Serendipity is your friend. It works the same way in business and in every area of life. ​​​​​​​
​​​​​I love this quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:

Magic is Believing in Yourself. If You Can Do That, You Can Make Anything Happen.

​​​​​​​​Believe in Yourself. Believe in Possibilities. Believe in Serendipity.

No matter what – Believe. If You Do, You Will Receive.

Be In The Moment