11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Blog - Inspiration





How to Handle Disappointment.

How to Handle Disappointment.

Disappointment is real. It happens to all of us. Anytime you put time and energy into something you’re invested in and the outcome isn’t what you wanted, disappointment can rear its ugly head.  It can be life changing. You lose your job. Your 20 year marriage splits....

Yes You Can.

Yes You Can.

Even when women are super accomplished, they can doubt themselves. We can feel stress over an important upcoming presentation, anxiety before an audition or anytime we embark on something we haven’t done before. I see this with my coaching clients. I see this with...

The Truth Will Set You Free.

The Truth Will Set You Free.

It’s not always easy to tell the truth.  Many women have a hard time telling the truth because they don’t want to hurt or disappoint another. Or they want to protect someone. Or they want to be liked and fear that if they tell the truth, they will be resented or even...

Please…Don’t Settle.

Please…Don’t Settle.

The topic of "not settling” keeps coming up in my conversations with coaching clients and friends.  So many of us settle for something less than what we really want. At some point - we all have settled - whether in a romantic relationship, a friendship or in a work...

Be Audacious.

Be Audacious.

I’ve talked with several women lately who have told me they feel a change stirring deep within themselves. A feeling they are about to break out of their self-imposed shell, a feeling they are ready to unleash themselves. Something is awakening in their very being...

Feel Good NOW

Feel Good NOW

No matter what age or experience level, so many women don’t feel good about themselves. They don’t feel good about who they are and doubt their choices, actions and desires. I’ve found that even the most gorgeous, successful and kind woman is still hard on herself and...

Focus On Your Strengths.

Focus On Your Strengths.

I met a woman last week who is an accomplished, driven, well educated and delightful 35 year old. She had just left her role with a larger company to pursue her dream of co-founding an early stage startup. Exciting! She said she had always been into self improvement,...

Is It Hard to Ask for Help?

Is It Hard to Ask for Help?

I was in Carmel Valley last weekend with a group of women. I love getting away, even if it's only a short distance. I always get inspired and gain a new perspective by being in a different scene. One of the many conversations we had was about how it’s difficult to ask...

Do Away with the Shoulds.

Do Away with the Shoulds.

So many of us live by the “shoulds” of life. You know what I’m talking about. The mental dilemma goes something like this:  ​​​​​​​ What "should" I do vs. what feels right to do? What "should" I say rather than what would I like to say? How "should" I show up vs. how...

Stop Caring What Others Think.

Stop Caring What Others Think.

Most of us were brought up to care too much about what others think of us and the actions we take. Before making a big decision, we consult everyone in our circle. The conversation goes something like this: "​What's your opinion​​​​​​?" “​What do you think I should...

Give Yourself Permission. Eat the Brownie.

Give Yourself Permission. Eat the Brownie.

When I was in executive search, a CEO client of mine told me his wife had breast cancer. After battling the disease for two years, she was pronounced cancer free. One year later, a sudden fluke happened. His wife was fine one day, went into the hospital the next and...

What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

We all have a story that has led us to where we are today.  Here’s one of mine. I’m going to take you back to 5th Grade.  My family had just moved from Wisconsin to Michigan the year before. We moved because my dad had been offered an executive position with a private...

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