11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Freedom is top of mind these days, on so many fronts. To boot, we celebrated
Juneteenth this weekend and July 4th 🎉  is just around the corner.

Freedom: “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without restraint.”

The very word conjures up the feeling of “Let It Rip!”

The truth is, in order to feel free, we have to set limits.

The need for boundaries is everywhere.

Boundaries at work, with clients, with spouses/partners, children, friends and even neighbors.

There will always be someone who pushes your boundaries.

I hear these issues from clients:

The boss who reaches out at all hours of the night

The CEO who demands you to be available 24/7

The controlling client who doesn’t trust you “got this”

The friend who asks for advice – on his/her schedule

The colleague who is just so…annoying

The partner who flings his “stuff” everywhere

At our core, we know boundaries are important, yet we struggle to create them. We believe if we say No, we’ll be rejected. Or judged. Or labeled. Or not loved.

Our mental chatter goes something like this:

If I say “No”, to a proposed deadline, she/he/they won’t be my client

If I say “No”, I might get fired

If I say “No”, I won’t get the promotion

If I say “No”, she/he/they will move on to someone else

If I say “No”, my child will rebel

Whatever the chatter, try to let it go.

I’m a big believer in saying YES but not all the time.

Freedom begins with saying NO.

Boundaries are essential to our personal well being and mental health. They give us the room we crave and enable us to thrive.

Take your next step towards a breakthrough on creating boundaries. Schedule a 30 minute clarity call with me here:

What breakthrough are you seeking?