11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Bring Yourself.

Bring Yourself.

It’s been a while since I sent out my newsletter and I’M BACK! I’ve been busy producing a leadership course with Madecraft which is now in post-production.

I’m excited about it and can’t wait to share the finished product with you soon.

One of the first things I talked about in the course is the importance of authenticity. More than ever, the world needs you to be YOU.

It’s easy to prioritize how others perceive us and how we think we need to be over-showing up as our true selves. Because deep down, fears we’ll be judged, not liked, accepted, or even worse, someone may feel sorry for us, rear their ugly head. Especially when we’re wearing our heart on our sleeve.

I get it. It can be scary to put yourself out there and be seen for who you are, warts and all.

I’ve shared a ton about my personal trials and tribulations through the years. I chuckle when people still ask me how I can be so comfortable sharing my deep and darkest moments.

Here’s what I say:

“The things I’ve shared were hard and sometimes felt excruciating at the time. But I worked through them and grew tremendously as a result. Hopefully, by sharing, you’ll feel empowered to show up more authentically.”

We all have fears. Believe me, I have plenty of them. Just don’t let them stop you from expressing your truest and most brilliant version of yourself.


The more you embrace all of who you are, the more successful and happier you’ll be.

Eleven is the New Black

Eleven is the New Black

I listened to a Goop podcast yesterday where Gwyneth Paltrow interviewed Venus Williams. In addition to her acclaimed tennis career, Venus has a lifestyle apparel brand, interior design company and a plant based protein company! What an amazing icon and rule breaker.

You can listen to this inspiring podcast right here. 

When Gwyneth asked Venus why she named her lifestyle and activewear brand, ELEVEN, she said: we all should pursue our best self and strive to be better than a TEN. We can get more out of ourselves than we think. 

I love the idea of striving for an ELEVEN. To me, it’s another way to ask ourselves where we currently sit with our career/business, health and fitness, friends and family, partner, money, fun and our relationship with ourselves.

It’s half way through 2021.On a scale of 1-11, where are you in these key areas of your life? And, where would you like to be by the end of the year? 

We can create anything. If we want it enough.

How to Get Whatever You Want.

How to Get Whatever You Want.

Whatever You Want is one of my inspirations for what I do.

My clients see this written on a huge, painted chalkboard that I have behind my office desk. I took this photograph over six years ago when I was at Frenchies, the amazing restaurant in Paris. If you haven’t been, it’s a must. I mean, you got to go. There is a Frenchies in London too. Either will rock your world.

One of my greatest joys is witnessing clients, teams, friends, family – you name it – get the results they want. If you set an intention, get clear on your authentic strengths and super powers, get into consistent action, stay open to possibilities that you hadn’t dreamed of and allow the magic to unfold, you will get whatever it is you want. The process works every time.

I have helped countless clients: 

Find their dream job

Get the promotion

Develop a new business

Expand the vision of their brand

Increase income

Gain leadership visibility

Secure investors

Find business partners

Create soul level partnerships

Communicate powerfully

Feel grace and ease on a daily basis

What one thing do you want right now that if you had it, would rock your world? If you can dream it, you can have it.

I can help you get it. It’s just what I do.

Sign up for a free 45 minute clarity call with me here.


Who’s Got Your Back?

Who’s Got Your Back?

My sister gave me the above card recently – LOL. I can’t tell you how much it makes me smile! I keep it on my desk for inspiration if I feel alone or having a hard day.  Because we all have times when we need a little extra support.

Here are a few recent situations with clients:

One client has worked diligently to get a promotion over the past year. She has grown tremendously and consistently receives positive feedback that she is greatly exceeding expectations, yet when review time came around, she didn’t get the promotion. She was told to work on gaining more exposure to her leadership team. She is giving a presentation to them next week so we’re going to do a trial run together so she nails it. have her back.

Other clients are looking for new positions and need help editing their resumes, LI profiles, positioning themselves, interview prep and staying confident through the process. I have their back.

Another super accomplished client is starting his own consulting gig. He is a self professed collaborator and says he is better working with another. It’s just how he is wired. So we’re working together on his brand clarity and defining his service offerings. I have his back.

When you are stretching and reaching for something new, there is nothing better than knowing you are fully supported by someone who is invested in your success. 

No matter what’s next for you on your path, I’ve got your back. Sign up for a free 30 minute clarity call with me here.

Stand in Your Truth.

Stand in Your Truth.

You’ve heard me say this A LOT.

Standing in our truth is essential for living an authentic + purpose-driven life.

I have helped loads of professionals gain clarity on what they want to say and how to say it, whether it be to a boss, employee, client, colleague, romantic partner, or friend. Knowing our truth is one thing, yet, knowing when to express it, is another. 

I remember years ago when I was just learning to my truth, I got clear on what was true for me and drummed up the courage to express what I was feeling to a man I was dating. Truth be told, what came out of my mouth wasn’t pretty. It was messy. 

Communication is an art and it takes practice.

Communicating your truth will give you greater power and freedom in your life, yet just because you have an urge to share, think about whether what you want to say will land with the other person. Will the other person be able to hear you? Will it bring you closer or farther apart? What is your reason for sharing?

Here are simple and proven communication strategies for any conversation:

1. Know what you want to say

2. Keep it simple

3. Be confident in your point of view

4. Speak from your heart with compassion

5. Be present and listen 

6. Look for synergistic outcomes

If you’ve been putting off the “promotion” conversation with your boss, or the “relationship” conversation or something else is top of mind, book your free Communication Clarity Call with me here. In just 30 minutes, you’ll have a solution to what’s eating at you. 


Stand in Your Truth

Stand in Your Truth

The B Word. Boundaries.

The B Word. Boundaries.

The topic of boundaries is coming up a lot in my conversations – I MEAN A LOT.  The need for setting boundaries is everywhere. 

Boundaries at work, with clients, with spouses and partners with children and with friends. We know they are important, yet many of us struggle to create them. Deep in our beings, we believe if we say No, we will be rejected. Or judged. Or labeled. Or not loved. Not sought after. Or the worst of the worst, we fear we’ll be called the other B WORD. Our mental chatter takes over and sounds something like this:

If I say I can’t meet the deadline, she/he won’t be my client. If I say No, she/he/they won’t like me or will move on to someone else. If I say No, my child will rebel. If I say No, I won’t be promoted. Who am I to have boundaries, anyway? 

Who are you not to have boundaries.

It’s time to let the old chatter go. There isn’t room for it in our new world. So much is being asked of us and boundaries are key. Just like essential workers have become our lifeline, boundaries are essential to our personal well being and enable us to thrive.

If you find yourself at your wit’s end without reserve in your tank, perhaps, you’re saying YES to clients when they don’t respect your schedule, or to your child because he/she didn’t get to graduate, or to friends who have a different risk factor around social distancing, or allowing others to make racist comments in your presence, or saying YES to working 14 hour days or letting your adult children ‘rule the roost’ now they are back at home.

We can’t always have things the way we want them, especially now. Saying YES is a good thing but not all the time. Freedom begins with saying NO. Boundaries allow us to have more room for ourselves and give us the freedom we crave and yearn for.

What one boundary will you set today?

My new Master Class, Rules for a Liberating Life is next Tuesday at 11am Pacific/1pm Central/2pm Eastern!

New Rules for a Liberating Life, is a 90 minute workshop where we will walk through The New Rules individually. This program is especially designed to help move out of old thinking and behaving and free you up. I will give you exercises and action steps to support moving into the most confident version of yourself. We will end with a live Q + A.

By the end of the class, you will learn to let go of the shouldas, manage perfectionism and self-doubt (and we all have it) and open up to more energy to create what you want in this new world.

New Rules to Live a Liberated Life will help you:

Feel AUTHENTIC and more grounded than ever before. 

Feel you’re in the DRIVER’S SEAT of your life.

Feel RELIEF because you no longer care so much about what others think. 

KNOW who and what matters in your life. 

Have MORE ENERGY for yourself.

I am offering a SPECIAL BONUS for one lucky person who signs up for the class – a one hour coaching call with me. If you’ve wanted to work with me for some time but haven’t gotten around to it – here is your chance! I will draw a name from the list of attendees during the live masterclass.


12 New Rules for a Liberating Life