11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Let’s Make Lemonade.

Let’s Make Lemonade.

I’m super blessed to have wonderful clients, friends, and family. I’d like to share a few inspirational stories with you.

One of my clients has had a vision to become a speaker on the stage for years. She works in the corporate world, busting her butt while moving up the ladder. Her job serves a very practical need as she’s a single mother but it doesn’t fulfill her. A month ago, she was furloughed. After receiving the news, some people would have pulled back and not pursued their dream. But what did my client do? She said, “it’s a sign from the universe. I want to make an investment in myself and turn my vision into reality.” She hired me to help her develop her brand clarity, messaging and copy. By the time her furlough is lifted, she will have a platform and website that expresses her authenticity and aligned offerings. Boom!

Another client who works for the largest social media company hired me to help her develop her leadership skills. She works in a ‘crisis group’ which was an intense job before COVID and is now exponentially more chaotic. She has to work four more hours a day to get what she needs to get done. Even though her time is precious, she takes the time to grow her leadership skills and is becoming a powerful communicator. Boom!

A dear friend of mine is in the high-end travel business. She curates once in a lifetime adventures all over the world for affluent clients. It’s her dream job and her trips are off the charts. Needless to say, she isn’t jetting off to foreign destinations. What did she do? She got out of her comfort zone. She is now blogging about her past travels and inspiring and uplifting her readers. Boom!

How are you making lemonade? Do tell! Please hit reply to this email and share your stories. I will compile them and send them out in an upcoming newsletter.

Life sometimes brings us lemons.
We get to choose to make sweet, luscious, liquid nectar out of it.      

Let’s make lemonade together and rise up for one another.   


Rise Up

Let’s Get into Action.

Let’s Get into Action.

I’ve had many conversations over the past few weeks with clients, colleagues, friends and family about the challenges they’re facing and the disappointments they’re feeling. 

Rightfully so, disappointment is widespread and frustration is at an all-time high.

High school and college grads aren’t able to graduate 

Dream job interviews are at a standstill

Doing the job of two people

Working from home while homeschooling kids

Cash flow problems

Laid off or furloughed

Rocky relationships due to too much togetherness

Dating has come to a screaming halt

Do you resonate with any of the above or is there a bigger challenge you are facing?        I want to know.

When we don’t get what we want – when we get a picture in our minds of an ideal outcome and get attached to it, disappointment rears its head. Disappointment makes us feel unmotivated. We think: what’s the point?  

Here’s the point. Successful people aren’t spending their days binge-watching or reading the news. They have a schedule and a routine. They are planning their day, week, month – not year – ahead. They are thinking of creative ways to pivot. They are innovating and thinking outside the box. They are strategizing about how to get their dream business off the ground. They are looking forward to the simple things – every day.

If we believe that life is on hold, then life is on hold. If we believe that life is full of opportunity, then life is full of opportunity. We can move forward without attaching to a certain outcome. We can be adaptable and flexible and most importantly, have a positive attitude about our future. 

Let go of the life you created in your mind. Open up to the life that’s in front of you. Let’s get into action and envision our future. No more waiting.

no more waiting

Be The Authority of Your Life.

Be The Authority of Your Life.

I talk to people transitioning in their careers almost on a daily basis, both clients and potential clients alike. Time to rant and lend perspective on this week’s conversations.

Two potential clients, a man, and a woman, successful tech leaders in career transition. They both reached out for help, looking for clarity and direction as they initiate their new job search. It makes perfect sense to me as their needs are aligned with many of my clients. When we embark on something new, it’s fitting to want a clear path forward, especially for those of us who are high achievers. We want to do it right, the first time.

After listening to their unique backgrounds and situations, I responded in a similar fashion.

The opportunity in front of you is to: 

Define who you are today – not 5 years ago when you accepted your last position

Define your superpowers so you leverage them in your next position

Create your authentic brand – from the inside out and reflect it in all your communication

Let go of old identities, personas and limiting beliefs that are based in the past

Define an intention and parameters you want in your next position 

Create a strategy and action plan to get the position that’s the perfect fit

They responded in a similar fashion too. 

Thanks Amy. You get me and your process resonates. I want to work with you. Before I commit, I need to talk it over with my spouse/partner. See what they think. 

I truly understand that answer.

We often need to talk over decisions with a partner, especially when it involves a financial commitment. Plus, it’s always a good idea to think about a decision before we make it – whether that decision is working with a career and business coach, or another decision that requires us to be All In.

Before you initiate a conversation with someone you’re in partnership with, ask yourself these 3 questions:  

How much do I want this?

Am I looking for permission or buy-in?

What is the best approach to gain buy-in and support?

Be intentional with your communication and create the outcomes you want. 

Give yourself permission to be your own authority.


You are the Authority of Your Life

Just the Facts, Ma’am.

Just the Facts, Ma’am.

When a topic comes up three times in a week, I usually write about it. I am compelled to write today about getting real and seeing the truth in every situation. Yep. It’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses.

Here are a few examples of what I am talking about:

A prospective client says he/she doesn’t want to work with your company but you are convinced you can change his/her mind

The person you are romantically involved with tells you he/she wants to ‘just be friends’ and you say, he/she will come around

Your partner says he/she doesn’t want to go to therapy to work on your relationship but you think you can persuade him/her to go 

Your boss tells you that you’re not working out in your position and you work harder to prove yourself

It’s not easy to face the truth, especially when we don’t like it. Many of us want to see what we want to see. We’d rather run away, cajole, manipulate, sweet talk our way out of it, blame another or brainwash ourselves into thinking we can will what we want to happen to fruition. Rather than accepting what the other person is telling us, we’d rather deny it. 

Next time you anticipate having a difficult conversation with someone who has a very different perspective, use these 5 steps to ensure a connected and constructive conversation:

1. Take what the other person tells you at face value. Believe what they say. Period. 

2. Don’t judge, react or make the other person wrong. Leave your emotions out of it. 

3. Ask Why. Be curious and open to the other person’s point of view. 

4. Don’t take what they say personally. Seriously, it’s never about you.

5. Accept their truth. There is no black and white in any situation.

Truth is power because that’s when things can change. Once you know the truth, you can pivot. You can create options. You can create possibilities. You can create choices you didn’t know you had! And, you get to decide what truly empowers you and choose the best option for you.

The truth will set you free. 


Let Go of Judgement

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too.

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too.

I was at Rancho la Puerta last week, an amazing wellness and fitness retreat in Tecate, Mexico. Have you been? I was honored to be a speaker for the week. I went there 5 years ago as a guest and forgot how magical it is! Amazing early morning hikes, organic plant-based food, all sorts of fitness classes, mindfulness classes, inspiring performers and speakers. It’s a soulful and rejuvenating place because of its sacred land and its people are kind, warm and friendly.

We can learn so much from the Mexicans. They lead with their hearts, then their heads, rather than the other way around. They are insightful and wise. I was reminded of my corporate days when I ran a Latin America for a tech company. Back then, I was an intense, over performer with a big job. I traveled constantly and my entire identity was wrapped up in what I did.

I was focused on my performance and super stressed. Truth be told, I wasn’t happy.

My team in Mexico City taught me a lot. I began to understand that you can enjoy your life without sacrificing your career. That you can prioritize your loved ones over your work. That you are valued for who you are, not what you do. That you are enough, just the way you are. That happiness and ease are a birthright. That authenticity and kindness always rule. That leading with your heart is IN.

Limitless, is my leadership program for ambitious, high performers who want more joy, adventure, confidence, ease, and greater success. It’s possible to create a life that is so expansive and inspiring, just thinking about it makes you want to get down and boogie. To learn more about Limitless, book a clarity call with me here

You can have your cake and eat it too.


Get Into Your Heart

When You Want Opposing Things.

When You Want Opposing Things.

We all have Internal conflicts. You know what I mean, when your mind is in a constant tug of war. One of the best ways to hold yourself back from achieving what you want most, is to want two opposing things at the same time.

A few examples:

You want to lose weight. And you are obsessed with eating ice cream.

You want to grow your business. And you spend all your time ‘on the business’.

You want to find a new job. And don’t want to look for a new position.

You want an intimate partnership. And you want to stay home and watch Netflix. 

When we want two different and opposing things, we create resistance within ourselves. This makes us conflicted, creates confusion and mind mugginess which keeps us stuck. 

To #Breakfree from this mental trap, ask yourself:

What is it I really want – right now?  Not a month from now or 2 years from now. Right this very minute?

I reported to an executive years ago who was notorious for saying this.”You’re not a man without a plan. You can change a plan but you can’t change a no plan.”

I’d like to think that in today’s environment, he would have included “woman” in the above statement but you get my drift.

Empower yourself and make a choice. Create an action plan and commit to it 100%. If you don’t gain traction after some time, revisit your plan. You can always change it.

But you can’t change a “no plan”.

