11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Going Through a Transition?

Going Through a Transition?

Several of my clients, 3 to be exact, all super competent, rising stars, are looking for a career change. Their current position is coming to an end so they’re looking for another position – inside and outside their current company.

It’s hard to have one foot planted in the old and one in the new. No matter what it is you want to create in your life – new job, relationship, home – transition isn’t easy. There are lots of moving targets. It takes energy and effort. It can be stressful and nerve wracking! The word transition means:​​​​​ changing from one state to another, morphing into something new.

Here are a 5 tips to make any transition easier:

1) Be Strategic and Intentional. Think Quality over Quantity

2) Choose what Resonates, what Lights You Up. If it’s not a hell YES, it’s a NO

3) Have an Abundance Mindset, Be Open to what Unfolds

4) Hold Out for What You Really Want

5) ​​​Be Patient, it’s a Virtue. Have Radical Trust. 

Just like the caterpillar who turns into the butterfly, you’ll struggle at times. You may want to throw in the towel. But if you’re committed and willing to see it through, ​​​​​you will morph. You will create something new – that delights you. #Faith.

If you’re currently going through a transition in your life and feeling overwhelmed, I can help.

Sign up for a free 45 minute coaching session here.

Quality over Quantity

Keep On Keeping On.

Keep On Keeping On.

​​​​​​​One thing is blatantly obvious after last week’s happenings. We have a long way to go to achieve gender equality.
We also have al long way to realizing gender leadership parity. ​​​​Women make up 51% of the US population. More women get college degrees than men. Yet less than 5% of CEOs of public companies are women.

​​​​​​​If you feel angry and outraged with these sobering statistics, you are not alone. The progress and results made to date don’t speak for the amount of hard work, effort and time we’ve put into trying to change the course of history.
Whether it be in politics or business, we can either focus on the positive or the negative. We always have a choice on how we show up. We can get mad. We can get even. Or we can direct our anger into positive action. Day in and day out, we can claim our ​​​​​​​power, own our grace, speak up and make our voices and opinions heard.
​​​​​We will win in some situations and lose in others. One thing is for sure — we will continue to make progress and build momentum. We will realize gender equality. We ​​​​​​​will realize leadership parity. It’s just a matter of when.

Never lose sight of the goal. #Keep Going. Keep on Keeping On.

Keep Going

Claim Your Seat at the Table.

Claim Your Seat at the Table.

I am super excited and honored to be moderating a panel tomorrow at Dreamforce, Sales Force’s annual conference! The topic is Women In Leadership and is hosted by Map AnyThing and Women In Tech International.

​​​​​​So up my alley, right?

I’ll be having a lively and honest conversation with three distinguished panelists. Topics we’ll discuss will range from ​​​​​​​their personal experiences as female leaders in the workplace, biases they have encountered, and the effects the #MeToo Movement has had on their day-to-day professional lives.

We’ve made a ton of progress recently to close the gender inequality gap. And, the truth is, we still have a long way to go. I think it’s up to us.

​​​​We need to fully step into our power and claim it. Claim what we want and ask for it. Unapologetically. No more waiting for permission or until we are “ready”. No more waiting for old structures to change. For things to significantly be different, we need to speak up and team up with both women and men, and collaboratively and courageously lead the change.

You’ve Always Had the Power My Dear, You Just Had to Learn It For Yourself.
​​​​​​​Glinda – Wizard of Oz

In leadership and in life:

Show Up Authentically.
​​​​​​​Show up with Confidence.

Own Your Brilliance and Grace.
Rightfully Claim Your Seat at the Table. ​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​It’s Time.

Ask for What You Want

Toot Your Own Horn.

Toot Your Own Horn.

​​​​​​​I help clients with personal branding and I often write and edit their resumes, bios, and LinkedIn profiles.

One of my clients who is quite accomplished, asked me to edit her bio last week. I tightened it up and added one line at the beginning so her educational background and work experience tied together. These minor changes made it read more powerfully.

My client’s response was, “That sounds like bragging.”

Huh? Then I said, “Not at all. It’s the Truth.”

Most of us hate the idea of self promotion. We’re socialized to minimize ourselves and our accomplishments. Perhaps for fear of sounding boastful. Or for fear that we’ll be labeled or judged. Or the worst fear of all..that we won’t be liked.
I’m not suggesting that you flag people down like “Hey, look at me!” People abhor that. But…
Emphasize Your Strengths.

Highlight Your True Talents.

Genuinely Be Yourself.

​​​​​​Communicate your truth of who you are, verbally and in writing, with authenticity, confidence and grace.

​​​​​​​Think of one thing this week you want to toot your horn about. Then do it!

Come on..I dare you.

Never Minimize Yourself

Do You Over Function?

Do You Over Function?

There’s an epidemic of over functioning among women. It’s as if it’s expected of us because overdoing is respected in our culture.

So we do more. We push ahead. We stack more on our plates. We multi task. We overdo for others. We manage and control situations and people around us. We make sure the outcome is exactly how we want it to be. 

Without realizing it, our self worth becomes wrapped up in overdoing. We make it our identity. We take pride in how much we get done. If we’re not constantly busy, doing more at work or for others, we feel bad about ourselves. We even feel guilty. 

Over functioning always leads to exhaustion and burnout. It’s just a matter of time.

Here’s the thing: 

​​​​​​You are not what you accomplish.  
You are loved for who you are, not what you do. ​​​​​​

You are enough.​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Unless we learn to love and accept ourselves for who we really are, our authentic qualities that make us unique, how can we expect others to give us the love and
respect we so want and deserve?

Respect Yourself.  You are AMAZING ​​​​​​- exactly as you are.

Respect Yourself

The Day I Lost $3 Million

The Day I Lost $3 Million

I know what it’s like to lose. A lot.

Here’s my story and why I started Woman UnRuled.

In my first career, I worked for technology companies in sales and sales leadership positions. By the time I was 30, I had a ton of responsibility and managed a national sales team. We worked hard and had fun. At the time, I was making good money, $300K a year plus stock options. Fast forward a few years, as I continued to take on more responsibility, I finally got the VP title. Each year I was with the company, I was granted more options.

The company was acquired by a Fortune 100 and the stock continued to rise. And split. And then it would rise again. Two years after the acquisition, those of us in leadership roles were asked to integrate our teams within the larger company. We had to decide if we wanted to stay with the company and find a new position, or leave with a package. I rose my hand for the package and planned to take a year off before deciding what to do next.

I didn’t sell my stock all at once because I would have had a greater tax consequence. This is what happened next. The stock started to go down.. and down. Even though I was losing equity, I still didn’t sell it, thinking it would go back up. 9 months later, the stock that was once worth $3.2M was worth nothing at all. I felt I had the rug pulled out from underneath me.

Here’s the thing: when I had the money, I thought I didn’t have enough. I lived in my head, not in my heart. As I look back, I understand that I let fear stop me. By losing so much, in an odd way, it gave me a greater sense of freedom. Realizing that I was still okay after that epic loss was a profound learning which has made a huge impact on how I live today. Ultimately, it was empowering.

This sense of empowerment is why I started Woman UnRuled. I believe in living by your own rules and living a life you truly love with exponential freedom and joy – everyday. Woman UnRuled is about living with no regrets and no fear and taking action towards what you truly want. I believe you can be, do or have anything you want. It’s up to you.

If you’re a business woman who’s serious about the next level, I want to talk. Believe me when I say, I’ve been in your shoes. Maybe you’re questioning things in your career or life right now and you feel the weight of wanting more. I want to talk to you.

Would you like to feel more empowered, energized and inspired? There’s no better time than now to start living the big, juicy, joyful, abundant life you’ve always imagined.