11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Boundaries Create More Freedom

Boundaries Create More Freedom

Freedom is top of mind these days, on so many fronts. To boot, we celebrated
Juneteenth this weekend and July 4th 🎉  is just around the corner.

Freedom: “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without restraint.”

The very word conjures up the feeling of “Let It Rip!”

The truth is, in order to feel free, we have to set limits.

The need for boundaries is everywhere.

Boundaries at work, with clients, with spouses/partners, children, friends and even neighbors.

There will always be someone who pushes your boundaries.

I hear these issues from clients:

The boss who reaches out at all hours of the night

The CEO who demands you to be available 24/7

The controlling client who doesn’t trust you “got this”

The friend who asks for advice – on his/her schedule

The colleague who is just so…annoying

The partner who flings his “stuff” everywhere

At our core, we know boundaries are important, yet we struggle to create them. We believe if we say No, we’ll be rejected. Or judged. Or labeled. Or not loved.

Our mental chatter goes something like this:

If I say “No”, to a proposed deadline, she/he/they won’t be my client

If I say “No”, I might get fired

If I say “No”, I won’t get the promotion

If I say “No”, she/he/they will move on to someone else

If I say “No”, my child will rebel

Whatever the chatter, try to let it go.

I’m a big believer in saying YES but not all the time.

Freedom begins with saying NO.

Boundaries are essential to our personal well being and mental health. They give us the room we crave and enable us to thrive.

Take your next step towards a breakthrough on creating boundaries. Schedule a 30 minute clarity call with me here:

What breakthrough are you seeking?

Turn Your Anxiety into Excitement.

Turn Your Anxiety into Excitement.

My days are filled with coaching high-performing individuals and teams. Not only are my clients driven, but they also have demanding jobs. I often witness various levels of anxiety, mainly due to stress.

I can relate. When I was in the corporate world, my anxiety was off the charts. I had a big job, a big team, a big revenue number, and traveled non-stop. I was under pressure to perform, no question. But I put undue added pressure on myself. An unrealistic amount as many overachievers do.

Across the board, anxiety is at an all-time high. Over 300 Million people worldwide struggle with it. We’ve all been touched by anxiety, whether experiencing it firsthand or with someone we know. Some people tout that anxiety is a good thing. That it motivates us, makes us perform better, be better. I think that’s BS.

To achieve what we want to achieve, we don’t need to be stressed out, strive, struggle, over-perform and unhappy. To achieve what we want to achieve, we need excitement, not anxiety.

The word “anxious” is overused in conversation which only adds to spreading more anxiety! How often do you hear someone say:

  • I’m anxious to hear about your trip
  • How did your interview go? I’m anxious to hear about it
  • I’m anxious to learn what happened in the meeting
  • I’m anxious to hear about your date

Anxiety is a feeling of worry or nervousness. Excitement, on the other hand, is a feeling of great enthusiasm and interest.

Your words are impactful. Choose them wisely.

What breakthrough are you seeking?

6 Steps to Build Your Confidence.

6 Steps to Build Your Confidence.

When a friend describes another person as powerful, do you cringe? Or better yet, want to run and hide? If so, you’re not alone.

Many of us are conflicted with the word “power” because it conjures up a vision of someone who believes “my way or the highway”. You know what I mean when someone wants to control your every move. YUCK. This is the old, patriarchal form of power and its intent is to have power over others. It’s fear-based and frankly, so passĂ©.

The new form of power COMES FROM THE INSIDE OF YOU. It’s collaborative, innovative, and synergistic. It starts with KNOWING WHO YOU ARE by claiming your unique attributes and talents.

In a recent workshop, Your Authentic Brand, I shared how to develop the foundation of who you are – from the inside out. We went on a journey to discover who you are today, not who you were before Covid. Or 5 or 10 years ago.

These are the 6 steps we covered for living from a place of confidence within yourself. 

1. You’ll discover your natural strengths and gifts. Having a clear understanding of where you excel is just so important. If you’re a natural leader but don’t lean into that strength, you’re leaving part of your value behind.

2. You’ll define your skills, and what you have learned to do. Think of your skills as tools in your tool kit that you use to perfect and master. Your top skills are those someone would pay you to do.

3. You’ll identify your core values. Core values remain constant no matter what’s happening in your life. If you value integrity you make it a priority even when times get tough.

4. You’ll connect with your passions. Passions are those things that light you up and you get joy and inspiration, like traveling, art, or learning something new.

5. Next, you’ll craft your unique branding messages, which are AUTHENTIC statements about you.

6. Lastly, you’ll look at the intersection of your strengths, skills, and passions to find your SUPERPOWERS!

So what were the results of this workshop?

You’ll feel more comfortable in your own skin. You’ll have a renewed sense of what matters to you, now. You’ll have the clarity and courage to ask for what you want. You’ll feel confident to take action that is aligned with your deepest desires.

This workshop is offered twice a year. If you’d like to be the first to know when it is offered. Download a copy of The Confidence Map and get on my list for weekly inspirations and updates on online workshops.

Give Yourself Permission to be Yourself.

Give Yourself Permission to be Yourself.

We’ve been conditioned our entire lives to get what we want – whether it be love, approval or success – we have to be, look and act the “right” way.

Think about how often these thoughts pop up in your head. Is my outfit the bomb? Did I say the right thing? Do I look fat? Does he/she/they like me? Did I do enough? Am I enough?

Societal pressure to fit in is EXHAUSTING.

In our world of social media and constant comparison, it’s not easy to know who you are and what you want. Yet, it’s more important than ever. When you scrap “looking good at all costs” and step into who you really are:

You feel more grounded than ever before

You wake up feeling hopeful and on target

Your FOMO no longer runs “the show”

You have more energy for what truly matters

You’re free of the anxiety loop

You have limitless confidence because you know your true worth

To step into your most POWERFUL and FREE version of YOU, join me for the Your Authentic Brand Workshop on February 10th.

Find all the details and sign up right here.

How to Not Give a Shit What Others Think.

How to Not Give a Shit What Others Think.

I love seeing my clients grow into their authentic power and advance in their careers. It’s why I do what I do. Some of my favorite results I see are when clients shift from:

Having perfection as a mantra to embracing their ‘messy’

Playing the comparison game to feeling comfortable in their skin

Feeling insecure they don’t fit into claiming their uniqueness

Acquiescing to bosses to share their strong opinions

Feeling intimated by large Zoom meetings to speaking up

Doubting themselves to feeling confident in their decisions 

Prioritizing what others think to not giving a shit

Feeling disempowered to feeling like a badass

You don’t have to wait until you’re 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 to stop giving a shit what others think. You don’t have to wait until you’re older to feel totally awesome about YOU and what you bring to the table. You don’t have to wait to create the life you want – on your terms.

You can do it right NOW.

Being in the driver’s seat of your life starts with knowing who you are authentically – the most powerful version of YOU. Join me for the Your Authentic Brand Workshop on February 10th. 

Find all the details and sign up right here.

Addicted to Distraction?

Addicted to Distraction?

I was talking with a client who is a super successful Business Development guy with unparalleled expertise in his field. Seriously, he’s one of a kind and at the top of his game.

Yet, like many of us, he’s having a hard time staying on task and getting what he wants to get done, done.

In a world of constant change and distractions, how do you stay on course?

You focus on your top priorities. You create boundaries with your schedule and with people. You monitor your thoughts and emotions so they are positive and don’t run on the fear track. You make discipline your mantra.

The truth is, sometimes we can control what’s going on around us, sometimes not. Here are some things you have control over:

👉 You can turn off devices or notifications when you’re working on a deadline

👉 You can create blocks of time on your calendar to get things done

👉 You can respond to texts twice a day – rather than 100

👉 You can minimize time on social media and how often you read/listen to news

👉 You can discipline your thoughts so they are “CAN DO” vs. “CAN NOT”

👉 You can make your goals a priority over those of others – YES you can


The end of the year is fast approaching. It’s up to you to say NO to everyday distractions that get in the way of meeting your goals and getting ‘er done.