by Amy Matthews | Mar 25, 2020 | In-Power, Inspiration |
We’ve been trying to get our head around what’s happened over the last week or so. We are going through a process and at different stages of settling into this new reality.
We are grieving. Like any loss, the process looks like this:
Denial – Early on, this virus isn’t real and won’t affect us
Anger – I have to stay home and can’t do what I want?
Bargaining – After two or three weeks, everything will be ok, right?
Sadness – I have no idea how this will end
Acceptance – This is happening, I need to come up with a plan
Acceptance allows us to gain our power back.
Some of us still have to catch up, aren’t ready to accept this new normal. That’s ok. Hurrying the process doesn’t work so give yourself permission to take a pause for as long as you need.
For others of us, we’re ready to figure out a plan on how to proceed.
To develop an action plan, decide what your intention is. Decide what your goals are. Decide what you are truly committed to. Perhaps it’s:
To expand your capacity to lead
To revision and reshape your life
To start your business
To get in the best shape of your life
To get your business online
To work on your significant relationship
To prioritize self-care
To dust off your resume and LI profile
To implement that business idea that you put on the back burner
To pivot your career or business entirely
What are your priorities – now?
If you feel you’re ready to get into action and need help, I would love to hear from you. I will send you an Action Plan worksheet that will guide you through the process.
Let’s take this opportunity to S T R E T C H. There is no better time than now.
by Amy Matthews | Feb 11, 2020 | Business, In-Power, Inspiration |
I was at Rancho la Puerta last week, an amazing wellness and fitness retreat in Tecate, Mexico. Have you been? I was honored to be a speaker for the week. I went there 5 years ago as a guest and forgot how magical it is! Amazing early morning hikes, organic plant-based food, all sorts of fitness classes, mindfulness classes, inspiring performers and speakers. It’s a soulful and rejuvenating place because of its sacred land and its people are kind, warm and friendly.
We can learn so much from the Mexicans. They lead with their hearts, then their heads, rather than the other way around. They are insightful and wise. I was reminded of my corporate days when I ran a Latin America for a tech company. Back then, I was an intense, over performer with a big job. I traveled constantly and my entire identity was wrapped up in what I did.
I was focused on my performance and super stressed. Truth be told, I wasn’t happy.
My team in Mexico City taught me a lot. I began to understand that you can enjoy your life without sacrificing your career. That you can prioritize your loved ones over your work. That you are valued for who you are, not what you do. That you are enough, just the way you are. That happiness and ease are a birthright. That authenticity and kindness always rule. That leading with your heart is IN.
Limitless, is my leadership program for ambitious, high performers who want more joy, adventure, confidence, ease, and greater success. It’s possible to create a life that is so expansive and inspiring, just thinking about it makes you want to get down and boogie. To learn more about Limitless, book a clarity call with me here.
You can have your cake and eat it too.
by Amy Matthews | Jan 14, 2020 | Inspiration, Mindset |
Last week I talked about creating intentions and what you want most this year. Have you taken the time to write them down? Created a vision board? A list of what you’re saying YES to and NO to? Yep, I’m your accountability partner.
Let’s say you now have a vision. It’s time to create your plan.
A solid plan has structure, clear goals and priorities. It’s realistic and attainable. If goals are too lofty, you may be setting yourself up to fail and who wants that! Be honest with yourself – with what you want and how much you can do. You don’t have to boil the ocean because it’s 1) impossible and 2) exhausting.
Some thrive on planning and structure. Others don’t. A client of mine avoids structure because it makes her feel confined but now realizes she needs it to reach her goals. Another client, an astute planner her entire life, after giving birth, says her planning has gone out the window! She realizes that planning is about the future, not the present. She also found it super stressful. She feels happier, grounded and more at ease with herself and in her life.
Structure has always helped me accomplish things. Yet in the past, I had a tendency to get hyper-focused and not see what was right in front of me. I was too focused on the goal. I now balance structure with spaciousness which allows me to be creative, open to magic and at the same time, ‘get er done’.
I’m simplifying my plan this year and my theme is quality over quantity. Only 3 priorities for my business and 3 for my personal life. The less is more approach. I think I’ll be more focused and get more accomplished because of it.
Everyone has an approach that works for them. What works for you? Reply to this email, would love to hear!
If you don’t have clarity about your game plan this year, I’d love to help. Sign up for a free 30-minute call with me here.
by Amy Matthews | Jan 8, 2020 | Blog, Inspiration |
Last week I wrote about looking back at all you’ve accomplished in the past year and how you’ve grown. Have you done that yet? It’s super important to be complete with the past year before moving to the next. If you aren’t yet, decide what you want to do about the things that aren’t complete and are preoccupying your mind. Perhaps you need to have a conversation or write about it. The objective is to be present as you create your goals for the new year.
You know what I mean. No shouldas, wouldas, couldas as you envision your future.
Now let’s look at what you want in 2020. You can choose to make it a daunting exercise or an exciting one. I say make it the latter! Buy yourself a new notebook, cozy up with a cup of your favorite tea and answer these questions:
What is my intention for the year?
What do I want to create?
What do I want my life to look like?
What am I saying YES to?
What am I saying NO to?
Once you have your answers, by all means, create a vision board. I created two this year, one for business and one for my personal life. Why not? Have fun with it. If you’d rather do it with others, invite a few friends over for a simple dinner and make a night of it.
To let more of what you want in, start saying NO to people and situations that zap your energy. Start saying NO to obligation and YES to what brings you inspiration, joy, and ease.
Each day, you get to decide what to bring into your life. Be intentional. Choose wisely.
by Amy Matthews | Dec 11, 2019 | Inspiration |
A friend of mine sent me this article, The Joy of Being a Woman in Her 70s. I love it, it’s a must read for each and every one of us.
The author, a psychologist, makes this point: by the time a woman is in your 70’s, she’s resilient, comfortable in her own skin, ok with saying no, more loving to herself, seeks joy and always knows she has a choice. She’s an Unruled Woman.
Here’s the thing:
We don’t have to wait until we’re 70 to stop living by the “shoulds” of life. We don’t have to wait until we’re 70 to be comfortable with who we are. We all yearn to not worry what others think of us, to not feel less than, to not seek perfection and to not have expectations that rob us of our happiness. We all yearn to be kinder, more accepting of ourselves.
We don’t have to wait. No matter whether you’re in 30’s, 40’s, 50’s or 60’s, start Now.
Give yourself permission and encourage all the women in your life to be their most powerful selves. Be aware of behavior that gets in the way of not feeling good and start making authentic choices that support what you really want.
If you’re ready to choose Yourself, sign up for your free 45 minute coaching session here.
by Amy Matthews | Nov 27, 2019 | Inspiration, Mindset |
There’s a lot of hype about practicing gratitude. Truth be told, I buy into it, hook, line and sinker because it works for me.
But sometimes when life brings lemons – it’s super hard to feel grateful. Instead of putting a happy face on, crawling under the covers seems like a better alternative.
There’s also the pressure to feel grateful because we live in a culture where it’s “in”. If we aren’t feeling it, we feel like a big, fat phony. We wonder what’s wrong with us. Some part of us wants to be grateful but another wants to stick its heels in. We then ask: how can I not feel grateful with so many hungry and homeless people in the world??
Major guilt trip. Massive self-judgment. Monumental self-loathing.
You don’t have to push yourself to feel something you don’t feel. You only have to acknowledge how you do feel. Take a deep breath and allow your feelings to be in the room – with you. Maybe you’re feeling disappointment or a whole lot of fear. Or something else altogether. Ditch the judgment and accept how you feel right now.
Sometimes to get gratitude, you gotta give yourself permission to feel exactly how you feel. Then things will shift – I promise.
Wishing you grace and ease this Thanksgiving holiday.