11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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Too Loyal?

Too Loyal?

I recently went for a walk with a dear friend of mine. She said this to me: 

“One of your best qualities is that you are loyal. Then she said, it’s also a hindrance.”

Her comment got me thinking. When does being loyal become too loyal? 

We were raised to be loyal and loyalty comes in many forms. We can be committed to an idea, a belief, a person, a brand, a community, a company, a boss or a family tradition. Loyalty becomes a fault when it hurts us or doesn’t have the “juice” it once did or no longer is aligned with who we are now. Being too loyal can keep us hanging on to a person, an idea or a notion that is in past time. 

It’s often loyalty that prevents us from change and opening up to something new.

I am not advocating throwing out the baby with the bathwater. What I am suggesting is to ponder these questions: 

What are you committed to that doesn’t light you up?

What beliefs do you have that are out of date?

What relationships don’t make you feel good?

Who or what is getting in the way of your progress?

Give yourself permission to let go of what no longer serves you. Be open and receptive to bringing more of what resonates into your life. 

Give Yourself Permission

Give Yourself Permission Quote Box

Not Knowing. It’s the Worst.

Not Knowing. It’s the Worst.

I live in Northern California where the fires are raging in both parts of the state. Over 200,000 people have been evacuated and many homes and structures lost. I am one of the lucky ones along with my family and friends. We are without power so we don’t have the daily conveniences that we are accustomed to. I count my lucky stars, it could be so much worse.

I had a few conversations yesterday about “Not Knowing”. 

One was with a potential client who is in career transition and looking for a new job. She is breaking into a new industry and she said it’s hard not to worry or ruminate. Then she said, the worst part is not knowing. 

Next, I was at a charging station, recharging my phone and computer. One of the beauties of a power outage is you meet all kinds of people you wouldn’t normally meet.

So I decided to ask the question: what’s the worst thing about the power outage?

The first person said, “It’s not knowing”.

Not knowing when power will be restored

Not knowing when you’ll be able to get online

Not knowing when you’ll get your next hot shower

The fear in the air was overwhelming.

When things aren’t as they usually are, when conveniences are taken away or you’re moving out of your comfort zone to do something new – it’s natural for fear, anxiety, worry, or frustration to creep in. Instead of absorbing yourself in worry, think about what you are learning or gaining from the situation. I know, it’s easier said than done. But try.

No matter if you’re breaking into a new industry, creating a business or dealing with a state of emergency, we can either look our fear in the face or let if run us. We have a choice in the matter. We get to decide.

What are you choosing today?

If fear is getting in your way, book a 45 min Clarity call with me here.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Life is Too Short to Not Work with a Coach.

Life is Too Short to Not Work with a Coach.

I have always sought out a coach or consultant when I wanted to get better, learn something or get somewhere. Personal trainers, therapists, healers, career coach, speaking coach, branding strategist, business gurus, marketing consultants – you name it. All of these experts are a type of coach and they have all helped me get to where I am today.

So many of us don’t ask for help. We poo poo the idea, or the cost, or the time. We run away from our feelings, we stay stuck in our analytical minds. We waste time and don’t go anywhere. I think it’s because for some of us, the idea of being and having whatever we want is – scary.

The truth is, the happiest and most successful people work with someone (or someones) to help them cut through the muck, get out of their own way and move to the next level.

The truth is, you can’t depend on your husband, wife, partner, friend to be your coach.

When you want to get into shape, you hire a personal trainer. When you want to understand your childhood and family background, you hire a therapist. When you want to resolve conflict in your relationship, you hire a couples therapist.


When you need a strategy and plan for your life, you hire me

When you need to map out your business idea, you hire me

When you want to grow your business, you hire me

When you want to figure out what you want to do when you grow up, you hire me

When you want to fast track your career, you hire me

When you want to make more money, you hire me

When you want to become a better leader, you hire me

When you want to improve your communication skills, you hire me

When you want to embrace all that you are and be a total badass, you hire me

WE all need help. It starts with asking for it.

What would you like more of? Book your 45 min Clarity call with me here.

What would you like more of?

Your Life is REAL.

Your Life is REAL.

All my clients, past and present, are amazing. One in particular, who I’ve been working with for 6 months, just landed her DREAM job. 

It happened fast. She interviewed on a Friday and hit it off with the entire management team. The job and company culture were a perfect fit. She was extended an offer the following week. She negotiated a higher salary, a sign-on bonus, 4 weeks vacation, autonomy to build and lead a global marketing team, a hefty relocation package and the flexibility she wanted in a position.

She got everything she wanted. Last week she said to me, it’s SURREAL.

Nope, I said, it’s REAL.

Landing her dream job didn’t happen overnight. It took time, effort and patience. She interviewed a lot, she went through rejection, she had moments of self-doubt, anxiety, and fear. It wasn’t a cakewalk but every step through the process, sho gained more clarity on what she really wanted and her vision for herself. By the time she finished, she had multiple offers. She also gained confidence and conviction for what she wanted in the future. When we started working together, she told me she wanted to be a CEO at 50. Now, her intention is to be one in her 40s. She’s learned to show up as an authentic and compassionate leader. All-powerful stuff. 

Whatever it is you want – a new job, a promotion, more revenue, a relationship, star status, a deeper more connected relationship or more room for yourself – you can have it – as long as you commit to the process and stay the course. In time, you will get what you want and your life will transform.

Don’t cut yourself short. Believe in yourself and your vision. Create a plan and stick with it. Have faith. Trust yourself and the universe. If you feel you need support to get you where you want to go, reach out to me or another coach to help you. It works, I promise.

The future depends on what we do in the present.                

                                                                                    – Mahatma Ghandi


When in Barcelona…

When in Barcelona…

Do what the Catalans do.

Every time I take a trip, I realize how good it feels to change up my routine – even if it’s only for a week.

Long lunches with Cava, motorcycle transport – everywhere, eating dinner at 10pm –    are just a few of the differences in my life this week.

Routines are good until they’re not. Same workout, same food, same schedule, same  ‘ol – eventually leads to b-o-r-i-n-g. And who wants that.

I used to believe that to get all my work done, I needed to be in my office, at my desk. But guess what? That belief is passe. I’ve finished 2 proposals and signed a new client. I am getting everything I need to get done AND having tons of fun.

True freedom is trusting yourself that everything will get done while enjoying life.

Here are a couple questions to consider:

What belief gets in the way of really living my life?

What one thing can I do differently to bring more space and freedom to my life?

Then ask, Why Not?

It can be really simple, like:

Work out of a new, cool location

Go to an Inferno Pilates class instead of yoga

Play hooky even if it’s only for an hour (or two)

Eat Indian, Thai or something other than a salad

Add some spice to your life this week. Come on, what are you waiting for?

Why Not?

Bring More Light to Your Life.

Bring More Light to Your Life.

Woo hoo – summer officially starts Friday! It’s Summer Solstice and it’s time to celebrate.

The longest day of the year is a great day to acknowledge all you’ve created and reflect on what you want to create in the next 6 months, to make 2019 your best year – ever.  It’s also about slowing down, taking a load off, easing your foot off the accelerator – shifting into cruise control – knowing you will get where you want to go. 

It’s about bringing more light to your life and shining your light more brightly.

It’s a perfect time to ask:

Where do I want more light in my life? 

What do I want to bring in? 

What do I want less of?

Perhaps you want to bring in more joy and FREEDOM. More spontaneity. More connection and presence. More LOVE. More ROOM for yourself. More peace and serenity. More FUN. 

More barbecues, music, sultry nights, hanging at the lake, walks in freshly cut
grass, family time. (Fill in the blank) __________.

And, you want less of not feeling good, doubting yourself and your actions, being
your worst critic and “not feeling enough.”

Less worry, fewer hours at work, sleepless nights. (Fill in the blank) __________. 

It’s up to you – you can design the life you want. Be intentional, think positive thoughts and take repeated action. Trust yourself, bring a lighter version of YOU to YOU and your LIFE.

Let your light shine.

Take A Load Off