by Amy Matthews | Apr 9, 2019 | Mindset |
Seeking balance is like the quest for the holy grail.
We search for it. As we pursue, it’s always out of reach. It’s just around the corner, out of our grasp. Perhaps that’s why “the idea” of it is so appealing. We try to manage and control it because we want our day to day life to look a certain way. It’s hard to win at this game because balance is a trap.
If we had balance, ALL OF THE TIME, life would be BORING.
Think of a teeter totter, if you stayed in the middle, wouldn’t it be dull? The fun is going up and down – with someone else on the other side. The same is true for a swing, if you were always up, you’d want to go the other way. And vise versa.
I don’t think it’s balance we want. I think what we really want is clarity and to feel grounded and at ease. So no matter what arises in life, ups or downs, we flow with it rather than fight or resist it.
The truth is, balance is an inside job. It’s trusting yourself, trusting that YOU GOT THIS and THE UNIVERSE HAS YOUR BACK. It’s being present to your thoughts because your thoughts create your feelings. To feel inspired, motivated, optimistic and have abundant energy, feed your mind with positive, uplifting thoughts.
CONVICTION leads to CREATING the life you want
What nutritious thoughts are you CHOOSING today? Share in the comments below!

by Amy Matthews | Mar 12, 2019 | Mindset |
I was in Sun Valley last week for the Film Festival and some late winter fun. The short adventure gave me a fresh perspective and fuel for my soul. It’s a great reminder that getting away from my day to day routine is always a good idea.
One of my favorite movies was a documentary, Like, which is about the impact of social media on our lives. It’s a must see. We’ve become addicted to our phones and social media and many of us base our self worth entirely on how people perceive us – how many likes we get from a post – not on how we inherently feel about ourselves. Looking for validation and approval from the outside is creating an epidemic of low self esteem, depression and anxiety – especially among teenage girls.
Here’s the thing: comparing yourself to another who you think has more or is doing more is always a no win situation. It leads to feeling bad about yourself and your life. There is no one exactly like you on the planet. You are one of a kind. Your unique self – your secret sauce – is your edge.
It’s our birthright to feel good about ourselves so it’s up to us to stop playing the comparison game. It’s up to us to reign in our use of social media. It’s up to us to set an example. Be a role model for other women and girls.
If you haven’t already, connect with me on LinkedIn. I’m sharing empowering videos and tips on a daily basis. Join me for more inspiration!

by Amy Matthews | Feb 4, 2019 | Mindset |
It’s February! Winter weather with its grey skies, crazy cold temps, torrential rain and snow can make some of us feel blue. Or unmotivated, bored or even listless. If you’re in need of a pick me up, here are ten ways to nip those feelings in the bud.
1) Plan an adventure or better yet, go on one!
2) Exercise – no matter what. Endorphins always make us feel better
3) Adorn yourself with a splash of color. Try pink, deep blue, orange and red!
4) Cozy up with a juicy novel and a comfy throw
5) Create a vision board. I’m creating one for the relationship I’m manifesting 🙂
6) Make homemade, organic soup with lots of veggies
7) Soak in a candlelit bath with deliciously scented salts or bubbles
8) Use essential oils like geranium, bergamot or lavender to lift your mood
9) Create a magical ambiance with candles everywhere!
10) Buy yourself some daffodils, tulips or red roses
We only get one February a year so make the most out of it! Surround yourself with beauty and inspiration. Bring simple, sensual pleasures into your life that nurture your heart, mind, body and soul.
Choose what makes you feel good. Lift yourself up.

by Amy Matthews | Dec 4, 2018 | In-Power, Mindset |
I am blessed to work with the most amazing clients – I mean, every single one is a boss lady – successful, driven, self aware, honest and caring. They inspire me.
The topic of fears has come up a lot lately. Here’s the thing: when you commit to being front and center in your own life and step more fully into your authentic self and leadership brilliance, fears inevitably come up. They rear their ugly head. It’s part
of the process.
Fears of being fully seen, or judged, or criticized or not being liked or hurting those you love, or being too big or too much are common.
When you start unraveling your life full of shoudas and create a larger picture for yourself, it can feel vulnerable. It can feel scary. It can even feel unsafe.
I love this quote by Audre Lorde:
When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
Don’t let your fears stop you from realizing your vision for yourself.
Rise up and show up – to yourself. Be a vessel for your message. Own your brilliance.

by Amy Matthews | Nov 4, 2018 | Mindset |
I believe in serendipity and magic. Do you?
To recognize it, you have to be open to it. You have to make room for it. If you’re distracted, not present or attached to how it’s supposed to be, it’s difficult to see magic when it shows up in life. It requires being in the moment.
I also believe in being clear on who you are and you what you really want. Not what you wanted 10 years ago or a year ago. What you want right now. Once you know, start taking decisive and repeated action – every single day – towards your dream for yourself, your community or for the world. And, be flexible on how things unfold.
Why? It’s where the land of possibility resides.
Here’s an example:
You set an intention to find a life partner. You create a list of attributes:
Super smart, attractive, well-educated, sexy, charismatic, financially successful, athletic, thoughtful, loving, loads of fun, funny, likes to cook, loves dogs and travel, a good communicator and subscribes to the New York Times.
Hmm…that’s pretty specific. How about something like this instead?
I’m open if he/she is kind, has a ton of integrity and we’re comfortable together. I’ll know it when I see it. Or better yet, I’ll know if when I feel it.
When you’re open, opportunities knock at your door. Serendipity is your friend. It works the same way in business and in every area of life.
I love this quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:
Magic is Believing in Yourself. If You Can Do That, You Can Make Anything Happen.
Believe in Yourself. Believe in Possibilities. Believe in Serendipity.
No matter what – Believe. If You Do, You Will Receive.

by Amy Matthews | Oct 15, 2018 | Mindset |
You’ve heard me say this before.
We’re the ones who hold ourselves back from realizing our full potential.
Every single one of us – women and men – from an early age, believed what we were told or put our own spin on what others said to us – even if it wasn’t true.
We all have stories from early in our lives that have shaped us. Here’s one of mine.
I was with my older sister and a friend of hers, hanging out in the front yard after dinner. I was seven years old and much younger than they were. They wanted to ditch the little sister. My sister’s friend said to me: “You better go to bed, you need your beauty sleep.”
What I heard her say was: I was ugly. I held that belief for a very long time.
I had lunch this weekend with a prior client of mine. He’s super smart. I mean he’s brilliant. And successful. He told me this story:
Though he went to Columbia for undergrad and has a Stanford MBA, graduated top of his class, he never thought he was smart because he struggled as a child to learn how to read. He didn’t recognize he was smart until a CEO whom he worked for told him he was. He was 38 years old.
Each and everyone of us has bought into limiting beliefs that keep us small and feeling bad about ourselves. These beliefs and feelings are in past time.
What are you telling yourself that is getting in the way of what you want most?
I’m Not Smart Enough
I Don’t Have Time
I’m Too Old
I’m Not Thin Enough
What If I Fail
It’s up to you to be listen to your thought patterns. Question your beliefs and let go of the ones that don’t serve you. Because they aren’t true.
You Are Enough. You Can Do Anything. Yes You Can.
Unleash the Most Awesome Version of Yourself. It’s Time.