11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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The Life You Ordered has Arrived. I love this saying because it is so darn true. Whether you realize it or not, you have created everything and every situation in your life up until now: all the good and the not so good. Now, that may be daunting to accept — but when you do, it will feel empowering. It’s important to reflect on what is and isn’t working in your life, because it’s in your hands to change whatever you want to change.

Are you in love with your entire life? Is there an area that you’d like to tweak? Or is it time for a total overhaul?

If you are one of those lucky people where every aspect of your life is a Fuck Yeah, please celebrate! If you aren’t in that category, please celebrate too! Be grateful for all you’ve learned and created up until now. Be certain and confident that you can change any part of your life and create whatever you want. Anything is possible as long as you commit to taking consistent action and staying the course.

Look at these 5 areas of your life: Relationships, Health, Work, Fun and Money. Is there an area you’d like to improve or change up?

Knowing you want to change something in your life is one thing. Though more often than not, it helps to have a coach to guide you where you want to go. If you are ready to dip your toe in the water or take the plunge, sign up for your free 30 minute coaching session HERE.