11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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It’s the strangest thing – many people don’t feel good about themselves. I believe we are born into this world feeling good, but as we grow, we get caught up in all the shoulds and expectations of our families and society that we forget what feeling good feels like. Our parents didn’t teach us how to feel good because they didn’t learn from their parents either.

It’s our birthright to feel good about ourselves! When you’re not feeling good about yourself, you are blocking all the love and good that can come your way. Somehow feeling guilty, not good enough, not worthy, not pretty or handsome enough can feel more familiar to us than embracing the state of feeling good. Many of us need to unlearn our old ways of being, learn how to feel good, and start loving YOU.

So, what does feeling good feel like? Here are some words to get the party started:

  • Joyful
  • Exuberant
  • Inspired
  • Powerful
  • Hot
  • Connected
  • Free
  • Loving
  • Fulfilled
  • Grateful

Do any of these resonate with you? If not, come up with your own words that do.

I have interviewed women between 25-50 and no matter their age, they are often self-critical. They compare themselves to others, don’t feel good enough about who they are, and doubt their thoughts and desires. Even when they are crazy successful and gorgeous! Maybe it’s because they don’t know how to feel good, or they feel guilty about feeling good…yikes.

I can relate. Much of my life, I didn’t felt great about me. My reason for not feeling good, for the most part, was my own self-imposed thinking. I felt I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough…you get the story. I also took complete responsibility for situations: if a job or relationship didn’t work out, I would say, “It’s all my fault, I made a mistake, I blew it.” On the other hand, when I accomplished a major feat, did I ever say, “Wow – you are amazing!”? Unfortunately, the answer is No.

Now for the good news. I had a major breakthrough a few years ago. I am kind to myself and much more forgiving because now I can say I love and accept myself…at least 85 percent of the time. And I have to say, it feels good! If I can do it, so can you.

Considering working with me? I offer a free, no obligation, 30 minute coaching session. During our time together, you’ll have a breakthrough in the area of your life that you need it most.

Sign up for your free 30 minute coaching session here.