11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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No matter what age or experience level, so many women don’t feel good about themselves. They don’t feel good about who they are and doubt their choices, actions and desires.

I’ve found that even the most gorgeous, successful and kind woman is still hard on herself and can doubt her very existence.

​Sound like you?

It’s our birthright to feel good. Better than good, I mean Awesome. We came into this world feeling good but like a sponge, we absorbed our family programming and the shoulds of society. Not feeling good enough, not worthy, not pretty or handsome can feel more familiar than feeling comfortable in our own skin. Maybe it’s because we weren’t taught to feel good. Or even, feel guilty about feeling good.

When you’re not feeling good, you block all the love and abundance meant for you.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It’s time to unlearn and unravel your old ways of being. ​​​​​​​It’s time to let go of beliefs and habits that aren’t serving you. That don’t lift you up. That don’t contribute to feeling good about yourself.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What limiting beliefs, patterns or attachments are you ready to let go of?  Write them down. Create a ceremony​​​​​​ to release the past and whatever no longer serves you.
​​​​​​​We’re half way through the year. Let’s start Fresh. ​​​​​​​Let’s #Breakfree. Come on, it’s Time.

Empower Yourself and Let Go.