I decided to write a blog series, ’Communication In Crisis’ due to the times we are in. Last week I wrote about how to communicate your needs and today, I’m compelled to write how to get on the same page – with your spouse, partner, friend, family member, colleague, boss, employee – or anyone else who is integral to your life.
As summer is fast approaching and states are opening up, we’re about to have more freedom than we’ve had in months. We crave it, rightfully so. I’ve had conversations with various people about this soon to be a reality and the friction it’s causing in their relationships. Here are a few examples, some related to COVID, others not.
A couple is considering summer plans. Will they go on their European trip they planned a year ago, or not? One says Yes, the other says No.
Friends have a different view of what “opening up” means. One says he/she will go to restaurants and another says he/she won’t.
A client’s son refuses to go to their vacation home for the summer with the rest of the family. Parents say no way, and he says yes way.
A client and her team develop a strategy and plan for Q3. The boss doesn’t agree with the team’s recommendation.
We all see the world through a different lens. Rose-colored, purple, blue, green, yellow, red or a combination thereof. For all relationships to foster and grow, we need to celebrate our differences and be curious and receptive to the other’s point of view. At the same time, it’s imperative to know where you stand and have the courage to communicate what you believe in – while staying open-hearted and connected.
Some level of friction is normal and healthy in any relationship. Before COVID, we used to try to finagle to get what we want. Yet, in this new normal, choose partnership and decide together, the path forward that is best for the whole.
The definition of negotiation is that both parties win. Look for the win-win in every conversation and get on the same page.
I’m excited to announce 12 New Rules for the New Paradigm! Now more than ever, it’s important to choose rules that support living a liberated life. In an upcoming workshop, I’ll dive deep into the New Rules and you’ll learn how to incorporate them into your life so you fully embrace your own version of success.
Keep an eye on your inbox for the deets of the program. Join me!