12 Super Nutritious Foods To Eat More Of

We’re over a month into 2016. You’ve made lists of intentions, resolutions, goals, desires, hopes, dreams. But have you made a list of nutritious foods, spices, and other nutrient-rich items to consume weekly, if not daily?
It can be easy to focus on popular superfoods and neglect other essential nutritious foods that our bodies crave for optimal health.
I try to incorporate these 12 foods into my meals daily. I hope you’ll join me in adding these staples to your life too!
1. Turmeric
Turmeric is a fantastic post-workout recovery “food” because it helps to reduce inflammation. In addition, turmeric is a very powerful antioxidant to help fight cancer, autoimmune illnesses, and promote heart health.
2. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is proven to be a nutritional powerhouse. It helps fight diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and Parkinson’s, promotes strong cardiovascular health, and is a super-strong antioxidant to fight off free radicals.
3. Cacao
Everyone likes chocolate, right? But all chocolate is not created equal. Raw cacao is the superfood part of chocolate, meaning it’s unprocessed and retains essential nutrients.
4. Hemp Hearts and Powder
I eat hemp daily, as it’s packed with plant-based protein! Hemp is a complete protein, which means it contains all the essential amino acids.
Read Full Article: 12 Super Nutritious Foods To Eat More Of