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31 Ways to Play

 Play isn’t just for kids. Running, dancing, meditating, practicing: It’s how we harness our inner spirit and feed our imagination. Get playing with these ideas, one for each day of the month.
  1. Be a tourist in your own city… Take a Time Out and explore!
  2. Color Playful Nature: Coloring for the Here and Now—Wanderlust Media’s first-ever coloring book.
  3. Belt out your favorite tunes in the shower.
  4. Dance while cleaning your apartment.
  5. Give an intramural sports team a shot.
  6. Play with your food! Try new recipes and have a potluck with friends.
  7. Make time for introspective moments—pick up a journal.
  8. Take a personal day from work, but don’t make plans—go wherever your heart tells you.
  9. Try fancy food at a restaurant you’d normally not go to or try on clothing at a store from which you’d normally not buy.
  10. Charity Miles—get psyched for a Wanderlust 108 by moving to support a cause closest to your heart.

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