50 Things to Love about Life That Are Free
By Lori Deschene

“If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.” ~Daisaku Ikeda
If you asked an 8-year old version of me to list all the things I loved, it might have looked something like this:
- Ice cream
- Swings
- Snow days
- Beach days
- More ice cream
- Saturday morning cartoons
In fact, I’m sure I could have created an inventory longer than my usual Christmas list, including a ton of things that either tasted, felt, or looked good.
It didn’t occur to me until later in life that some of the best things are intangible; and that I could experience them at any time if I just opened my heart and mind to let them in.
I think most of us know this intellectually—that pride in our work can be more valuable than what it buys, for example. But sometimes we get so caught up in securing the trappings of the good life—the house, the car, the furnishings, the clothes—we’re too distracted to notice and appreciate the intangibles.
That’s not to say there’s something wrong with enjoying material things. I’m still a huge fan of my TV (flatter and larger), ice cream (OK, frozen yogurt now) and days off (though I can’t seem to negotiate any snow days into my adult California lifestyle). It’s just that there’s so much more to love about life that doesn’t cost a dime.
With this in mind, I asked Tiny Buddha’s Facebook followers, “What do you love about life?” Some of my favorite responses include:
1. Love. (Hansoul Kim)
2. Family. (Jo Alunan Taguinod)
3. Just being able to wake up to the sun shining in the morning. (Norma Lewis)
4. The ability to overcome hardships and appreciate what I already have instead of wishing I had more. (Ivy Lokojarvi)
Read the Full Article: 50 Things to Love about Life That Are Free