6 Ways to Have More Fun In Your Long-Term Relationship
Sometimes life is just about getting through it. But sometimes life is also about fun.

Ruts happen. Sometimes you find yourself in a boring, but very adult pattern of working, doing chores, and then working some more. Sometimes life is just about getting through it. But sometimes life is also about fun. In fact, USA Today reported that having fun in your relationship isn’t just… well, fun. It’s actually essential. A study from researchers at the University of Denver found that couples who didn’t make time for fun weren’t as happy and didn’t stay together as long. That’s likely because having fun together is related to related to being friends and being friends leads to a happier union.
If you’re in one of those ruts, adding fun to your relationship doesn’t have to be some big overwhelming deal. You don’t have to reschedule your life or spend a lot of money. Simple tasks like leaving little notes and making time to laugh can bring more joy to your days. If you want to make a drastic change, there’s always fun stuff like vacations and adventures, but most of the work will be done in your daily interactions and with some easy tweaks to your free time. Here are six easy ways to have more fun in your long-term relationship.
1. Play
This seems super obvious and also super vague, but play is a vital part of a happy life. Even animals stop to play, according to Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. of Psych Central, who equates fun to oxygen. Try taking queues from children to get more playful in your relationship. Be uninhibited. Laugh. Joke. Tease each other (in good fun) and talk about happy, exciting things.
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