9 Small Healthy Habits To Kickstart Big Change

It’s the time of year when suddenly gyms are packed and everyone optimistically swears to get into better shape. Unfortunately, within a month or so, the crowds at the gym will dwindle as the list of New Year’s resolutions gathers dust in a drawer somewhere. Why is better fitness one of the top New Year’s resolutions if it’s one of the hardest to keep? I propose it is an issue of perspective. This year, resolve not to drop pounds or lower calories, but rather to focus on finding a fitness plan that brings you happiness.
This is not a simple task. Misery is easy. Happiness is hard. So let’s take a look at 10 ways you can work on pursuing the joy of fitness.
1. Consider who you are doing this for
Bottom-line: The answer needs to be you. Really think about the fitness goals you have come up with and assess why you want them, or if you really want them at all. If you are running a mile a day just because your doctor told you to and you find you actually hate everything about running, then stop. (Don’t tell your doctor I said that.) Goals meant to please other people and not yourself are unlikely to last long-term. Even if you are working out for health reasons, don’t think about how you’re doing it for your doctor, significant other, children, etc. Think about why you want to feel healthier and stronger. Do what you want for yourself. It’s OK to be selfish about your own body.
2. It doesn’t have to be expensive
The cost of a gym membership, classes, equipment, etc. can be daunting for some. Those just starting out exercising may especially want a cheaper way to dip their toes in the water. Fortunately, there are a lot of options that won’t break the bank. Activities such as