10 Ways to Have More Fun in Your Virtual Office

- In today’s world of a million “internet science” articles and google searches, it seems like everything has been broken down into digestible easy steps. “How to Make Your Co-Workers Like You”, “How to Be Confident”, “How to Have Fun”. But the thing is, not everything in life can be broken down into a few easy steps. Fun is one of those things. It’s mysterious. It’s intangible. It’s also insanely important.
So, we aren’t going to tell you “how to have fun in your virtual office” as if you were a robot, but we will give you some pretty great suggestions for how to encourage play and connection. Being that a virtual office is not the most organic context, it’s important to think outside the box when dreaming up new possibilities for company-wide play.
Here are some favorites:
1) Virtual Dance Parties
Organize dance parties! Not only is this a great way to improve your job performance, but it will up the fun factor in your workspace. The best part is that you can act like you’re dancing with nobody watching! You can take your space and pretend like you’re the only person in the room.
Bonus points if your team makes a dance party playlist together. If you feel like you’re a bad dancer, no worries. The internet is to the rescue! This time they’re breaking down the components that “women want on the dance floor” for you to read up on, and then watch an avatar demonstrate it all for you.
Watching that avatar proves that some things really should be left mysterious and not explained by internet science.
2) Designate a Water Cooler Space
The water cooler is the space where the mysterious fun happens. You’re just talking to Rob from Accounting when suddenly.. BAM! A smile spreads across his face. You both chuckle at your joke and return to your desk ENLIGHTENED by that brief interaction. THIS IS WHAT FUN LOOKS LIKE.
In your virtual office, it’s difficult for this kind of spontaneity to occur, but when you create a special space where people can convene, leaving work behind, even virtually, you are definitely more apt to get the SMILEZ. Sococo plans to let you design your own virtual workspace in the future, so get creative! Maybe there’s a bean bag chair spot or a gaming corner. Plan to let your imagination run wild!
3) Celebrate Holidays
Once you reach adulthood, you realize the true reason for holidays.
Read Full Article: 10 Ways to Have More Fun in Your Virtual Office