6 Stress-Free Habits of Women Who Look Better Longer
Looking good as we age has has to do with more than your night cream – practice these 6 daily habits to maintain that youthful glow.

WE’VE ALL NOTICED THAT woman who seems to maintain that youthful glow well into her 80s, who just seems radiate that love and passion for life. We aspire to one day also be so lucky to age so gracefully and maintain that inner light. Healthy living expert, Sophie Uliano, has studied up on these unique beings, and summed up their healthy habits that seem to lead to happier healthier and ageless lives – that glow and youthful appearance is just one of the welcome side effects.
Since this month is all about cleansing in all the various forms from meditation, juicing to simple stress relief and setting up all of those healthy habits – why not set intentions that we can adapt as daily rituals to fuel us for the rest of our lives? Here’s Sophie with 6 habits of women who look better longer…
Almost every woman I know who looks simply stunning after a certain age does some kind of meditation. Put simply, stress is aging. Take a look at yourself in the mirror when you are stressed out – you won’t like what you see. Even sitting down to meditate for 5 minutes a day can make a big difference. Meditation is way easier than you think and yoga breathing is the gateway in. Meditation is a practice, meaning the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Making it a daily habit is the best gift you can give yourself.
Every women I know who looks amazing well into her eighties, has a purpose in her life. This purpose is around something she loves to do…