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How to Have More FUN!

with Brendon Burchard

Fun is not something you “have,” it’s something you generate.

More fun and enjoyment in life are results of greater presence and intention to create fun and joy in all you do. Here’s how to have more fun:

1. Tell yourself, “It is my intention to be present and have fun in this moment.” Most great fun in life comes from an immersion in the moment. In immersion joy arises. In immersion humor can perpetuate. In immersion in the moment and presence in the Now you have access to a greater level of energy and awareness all around you that you can transform into fun.

2. Record the moments of joy and happiness in your life. Many people can’t easily recall the top 10 times they’ve had fun in the last year. It’s not because they didn’t have fun, it’s because they never integrated that fun into their memory and being. They didn’t think about it, reflect on it, journal about it, and so it never stuck in their heads and hearts. If you want fun to be a part of you then you must feel it, recall it, integrate it into your identity.

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