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In the Moment: Staying Present in Your Relationship

Real relationships are rooted in chaos and unexpected crossroads – stay present through all the bliss and the burdens.

Daydreams of finding love, falling in love and remaining in love often consume us. There’s neither a crystal ball nor a diary detailing a relationship’s fate, which often creates fear and uncertainty. Will a first date lead to a second? How long will it be before my boyfriend proposes? Will marriage reflect the fantasies of my childhood storybooks?

An eagerness to dream about a relationship’s future— or similarly, to dwell in its past— steers us from enjoying the moment. The kind of timeless moment you witnessed the elderly couple having as they strolled through the market. Here are five encouragements for staying present in your relationship, whether you’re in a flirty fling or a years-long courtship.



Begin by tossing out that checklist you’ve been keeping. The one detailing the right kind of partner, the appropriate wedding date, the career you’ll build, the number of children you’ll have and the garden home you’ll live in. While it’s important to discuss the future, expect that priorities will change, plans will switch and promises here and there will inevitably be broken.

Read the Full Article: How to Stay Present in Your Relationship