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The Spiritual Lesson of Your Relationship: Mastin Kipp

Love and passion in a relationship make our lives come alive.

Love. Romantic love.

Do you crave it? Did you have it and lose it? Do you feel stuck in your relationship where before you felt free? Or maybe you went through a rough breakup and are timid about getting into another relationship.

Here’s the good news – there is a spiritual lesson in every romantic relationship.

If you are single, you can learn the lesson from your previous relationship, or if you are in a relationship, you can learn the lesson and go deeper.

Want to learn the spiritual lesson of your relationship? That’s what this week’s training is all about.

Love and passion in a relationship make our lives come alive. A fulfilling relationship makes your life worth living. It takes you deeper. It heals you. It brings your heart out.

My therapist once told me after I had read hundreds of self-help books, “Congrats Mastin, now if you really want to grow, get into a relationship.”

BOOM – what powerful advice.

Read the Full Article: The Spiritual Lesson of Your Relationship