What Are You Waiting For?
We all talk about how great it will be when…

We all do it.
We talk about how great it will be when spring comes. We talk about how much we are looking forward to the holidays. We talk about what out life will be like when we finally meet “The One” (and yes, it always has to have the capital letters because they will be that AWESOME). We talk about how much better (a) we will feel (b) we will look (c) how much easier it will be when we lose that last 5 pounds (or 10).
When it comes to our kids we talk about how great it will be when they sleep through the night, start walking, start talking, or are toilet trained. We look forward to them starting kindergarten and how great it will be when they start writing their name or reading a book on their own. We can’t wait for them to learn to swim, have a sleepover or walk to the store on their own. We look forward to them learning to drive (well, maybe look forward to it is the wrong term but we are excited at the thought of not having to drive them everywhere any more).
When we were growing up we couldn’t wait to be a teenager and then as a teenager we couldn’t wait to be twenty. Thirty seemed less thrilling and after that any birthday with a zero at the end became a bit daunting.
Now, don’t get me wrong, having things to look forward to and be excited about is great, but at the same time we are missing being fully present in this moment, right now. At the same time we also put off doing the things that we love because we figure that we have plenty of time.
“I’ll go swimming when I’ve lost the weight.”
“I will start exercising next week.”
“I will start writing my book when I have more time/when I retire/in the holidays.”
“I will eat healthier when summer comes.”
“We will go to Paris when the kids leave home/graduate/when we retire.”
But here’s the thing: We are missing out.
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