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50 Ways to Find Inspiration

50 Ways to Find Inspiration

50 Ways to Find Inspiration

I have always loved that scene in American Beauty when Ricky Fitts shows his video of a plastic bag blowing in the wind.

He’s the complete opposite of his neighbor Lester Burnham, who seems to have decided long ago to live life in a comatose state of submission, completely disconnected from authentic joy.

Ricky seems inspired by everything that most people simply overlook. He explains of his bag video:

“It was one of those days when it’s a minute away from snowing and there’s this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. And this bag was, like, dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes.

“And that’s the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and… this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video’s a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember—and I need to remember. Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world I feel like I can’t take it, like my heart’s going to cave in.”

Though it can look different for all of us, I suspect this is the feeling we wait for in life: a sense that there’s boundless beauty out there, and we have the capacity to feel, channel, explore, and express it.

We all want to feel moved, and then to use that to create love, joy, passion, and purpose.

If you’ve been feeling stuck or uninspired, these ideas may help you find inspiration:

Find Inspiration in Nature

1. Go for a walk in nature, practice mindfulness, and lose track of time for a while.

2. Meditate or practice yoga in a nearby park.

3. Watch children playing at the park then make a point to carry their spirit with you throughout the day.

4. Watch your cat or dog in nature and try to emulate your pet’s mindfulness and playfulness.

5. Take a camera outside and photograph everything that looks beautiful to you.

6. Practice deep breathing while listening to nature sounds.

7. Draw or paint a scene outside your window.

8. Watch Planet Earth DVDs to experience beauty of the oceans, forests, jungles, Great Plains, and caves.

9. Get lost in nature photos online.

10. Spend some time contemplating nature-based art.

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3 Unexpected Ways to Find Your Life Purpose

3 Unexpected Ways to Find Your Life Purpose

3 Unexpected Ways to Find Your Life Purpose

We can’t think our way into our life’s passion and purpose, we have to do our way in. This means taking steps towards what you want, and removing those things in your life that you don’t want. I left my successful corporate job on a mission to find my happy, and it came by taking one step at a time and exploring many different passions. If you are looking for your purpose and passion, stop looking and start doing. These steps will help you.

How to Find Your Purpose and Passion

1. Get More Action

You can’t think your way into finding your life purpose; you have to do your way into it. Take a mental note from Nike and Just Do It. The more we act, the more we get clear on things. So instead of overthinking it — Will this work out? Should I try that? What if I don’t like it? What if I don’t make money at it? Start taking steps toward your goals and start trying new things. This will help you get out of your own way. I struggled for years trying to find out what my purpose was. This cycle only created a deeper lack of clarity. It wasn’t until I started doing that things changed for me. I began writing, and sent a story to Chicken Soup for the Soul. The second I received the letter of acceptance was unlike any ever before, love flooded into my heart and I knew that this was what I had to do with my life. You see though, I had to start writing to learn that my biggest passion was indeed writing. That only came with consistent action.

The experience is the reward; clarity comes through the process of exploring. Action is where you get results.

2. Drop From Your Head to Your Heart

Your heart is your best tool to access your true purpose and passion. Ask yourself what you love? Start taking steps to do what you love. When you are inspired and connected to your happy self, inspiration floods your heart and soul. When you lead from your heart, you are naturally more joyful and motivated to explore. By doing what you love, you will be inspired and gain insights into what brings you the most joy.

3. Break Up with The “ONE”

Many of us struggle because we try to find that ONE thing that we are meant to do; but..

10 Ways to Have More Fun in Your Virtual Office

10 Ways to Have More Fun in Your Virtual Office

10 Ways to Have More Fun in Your Virtual Office

  • In today’s world of a million “internet science” articles and google searches, it seems like everything has been broken down into digestible easy steps. “How to Make Your Co-Workers Like You”, “How to Be Confident”, “How to Have Fun”. But the thing is, not everything in life can be broken down into a few easy steps. Fun is one of those things. It’s mysterious. It’s intangible. It’s also insanely important.

    So, we aren’t going to tell you “how to have fun in your virtual office” as if you were a robot, but we will give you some pretty great suggestions for how to encourage play and connection. Being that a virtual office is not the most organic context, it’s important to think outside the box when dreaming up new possibilities for company-wide play.

    Here are some favorites:

    1) Virtual Dance Parties

    Organize dance parties! Not only is this a great way to improve your job performance, but it will up the fun factor in your workspace. The best part is that you can act like you’re dancing with nobody watching! You can take your space and pretend like you’re the only person in the room.

    Bonus points if your team makes a dance party playlist together. If you feel like you’re a bad dancer, no worries. The internet is to the rescue! This time they’re breaking down the components that “women want on the dance floor” for you to read up on, and then watch an avatar demonstrate it all for you.

    Watching that avatar proves that some things really should be left mysterious and not explained by internet science.

    2) Designate a Water Cooler Space

    The water cooler is the space where the mysterious fun happens. You’re just talking to Rob from Accounting when suddenly.. BAM! A smile spreads across his face. You both chuckle at your joke and return to your desk ENLIGHTENED by that brief interaction. THIS IS WHAT FUN LOOKS LIKE.

    In your virtual office, it’s difficult for this kind of spontaneity to occur, but when you create a special space where people can convene, leaving work behind, even virtually, you are definitely more apt to get the SMILEZ. Sococo plans to let you design your own virtual workspace in the future, so get creative! Maybe there’s a bean bag chair spot or a gaming corner. Plan to let your imagination run wild!

    3) Celebrate Holidays

    Once you reach adulthood, you realize the true reason for holidays.

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Why “Being Professional” Is Actually Holding You Back

Why “Being Professional” Is Actually Holding You Back

Why “Being Professional” Is Actually Holding You Back

I was known as the “breakdance guy” at work. And I hated it.

“Whoa, you’re a breakdancer?!”

At every job interview I’ve ever had, I’m always asked this question. Every. Damn. Time. It’s all the recruiter wants to talk about after noticing I was part of a breakdance club in college (on the bottom of my resume).

Never mind my professional experience. Forget the hours spent tailoring my resume and preparing my interview answers. And ignore the “career advice” I’ve been given about how employers don’t give two shits about anything outside of your professional experience.

The first time I attended a company-wide lunch in one of my previous jobs, I was ready to give my new colleagues a fantastic professional impression. That is, until my boss called out, “Tim! The founder really likes hip hop dancing. Show us a YouTube video of you dancing!” So much for a professional first impression…

Why “Being Professional” Is Actually Holding You Back

5 Practical Ways to Feel More Joy in Your Job

5 Practical Ways to Feel More Joy in Your Job

5 Practical Ways to Feel More Joy in Your Job

“Job” and “joy” have one letter between them, but for many they’re like chalk and cheese, oil and water, or snakes and mongooses.

And yet people do experience joy in their work. They’re the people who regale you with tales of how much they love what they do and make you feel bad because you don’t leap out of bed on a Monday morning.

Your mind might spring to the likes of Oprah and Richard Branson, but joyful work isn’t exclusively for the super-rich and super-successful. A high school teacher who loves helping kids develop their talents will find joy in his job. An art director will find joy through shaping a creative vision and seeing it come to life. And a bank clerk who loves people will find joy in her work when she treats customers like human beings instead of commodities.

Here are five ways to feel more joy in your work.

1. Don’t Be an Island

When you’re hating on your job, there’s a tendency to withdraw from the people you work with. You don’t chat with them because you don’t even want to be there. You don’t ask about them because you don’t care. And you don’t laugh with them because you just want to get your work done and get home.

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