How To Find Happiness In 2 Minutes
How A 2-Minute Exercise Can Redirect Your Brain Toward Happiness

Feeling down? A bad mood can be tough enough to break, but when you feel as if your entire life has hit a rough patch, it can be impossible to see the proverbial “bright side.”
Harvard-trained happiness researcher Shawn Achor has spent years studying the topic and says that there are two simple things you can do every day to boost your happiness to new levels, not just in the moment, but also for the long haul. The first, exercising, is a commonly cited happiness booster, but not quite for the reason everyone assumes, Achor tells Oprah in the above video from “Super Soul Sunday.”
“When people exercise, we talk about endorphins, but endorphins are just short-term,” he explains. “The reason why exercise is valuable is it trains your brain to believe, ‘My behavior matters,’ which is optimism.”
This longer-term optimism that results from exercise — even just 15 minutes of fun, cardio activity — actually creates a ripple effect across various parts of your life. “[It] causes you to create an entire constellation of positive habits around you,” Achor says.
The second way to boost your happiness is…

Finding The Joy In Fitness
9 Small Healthy Habits To Kickstart Big Change

It’s the time of year when suddenly gyms are packed and everyone optimistically swears to get into better shape. Unfortunately, within a month or so, the crowds at the gym will dwindle as the list of New Year’s resolutions gathers dust in a drawer somewhere. Why is better fitness one of the top New Year’s resolutions if it’s one of the hardest to keep? I propose it is an issue of perspective. This year, resolve not to drop pounds or lower calories, but rather to focus on finding a fitness plan that brings you happiness.
This is not a simple task. Misery is easy. Happiness is hard. So let’s take a look at 10 ways you can work on pursuing the joy of fitness.
1. Consider who you are doing this for
Bottom-line: The answer needs to be you. Really think about the fitness goals you have come up with and assess why you want them, or if you really want them at all. If you are running a mile a day just because your doctor told you to and you find you actually hate everything about running, then stop. (Don’t tell your doctor I said that.) Goals meant to please other people and not yourself are unlikely to last long-term. Even if you are working out for health reasons, don’t think about how you’re doing it for your doctor, significant other, children, etc. Think about why you want to feel healthier and stronger. Do what you want for yourself. It’s OK to be selfish about your own body.
2. It doesn’t have to be expensive
The cost of a gym membership, classes, equipment, etc. can be daunting for some. Those just starting out exercising may especially want a cheaper way to dip their toes in the water. Fortunately, there are a lot of options that won’t break the bank. Activities such as

9 Small Healthy Habits To Kickstart Big Change
9 Small Healthy Habits To Kickstart Big Change

I know from personal experience that the hardest part of any endeavor is just getting started.
You’ve probably experienced this challenge as well. Whether you want to pay your bills, go for a run, or clean your house, just getting out of your chair and taking that first action feels so herculean. The mental battle against inertia and dread is exhausting, so you give up before you ever start.
What if you could do something to quickly overcome those negative feelings, so that first step isn’t so daunting? In my own work on forming habits, I’ve found you can bypass most of the dread and inertia by making the first action really, really easy.
In fact, the first action can be so easy that it feels ridiculous NOT to perform it. And when you give yourself permission to stick with that easy first action as long as you need to, then you eliminate the fear of failing or giving up too soon.
It’s actually vital to your success in creating a habit that you stick with the easy actions for a week or more before you make it harder or add more time. You want to first establish a regular routine of performing the habit, even if it’s for just a minute or so.
With any new habit, you’ll need to attach the habit to a trigger — a previously established daily habit like brushing your teeth or making your morning coffee. Perform your new habit immediately after the trigger. This helps remind you to perform the new habit and cements it by connecting it to something you do automatically. You can learn more about the specific techniques for building habits in my book Sticky Habits: 6 Simple Steps to Create Good Habits Stick.
In the meantime, let’s take a look at 9 healthy habits you can begin right away to kickstart big life change:
1. Running
It took me a long time to establish a running habit — years in fact. I always tried to do too much, too quickly. Even if you’ve been a runner in the past, and now you’re starting up again, begin really slowly.
2. Rebounding
Rebounding is one of my favorite exercises because…

54 Ways To Increase Your Level of Happiness
54 Ways to Increase Your Happiness Set Point

Over a person’s lifetime, how much do you expect that their happiness will increase?
Most people I’ve asked seem to think that the answer is ‘A LOT’.
Sure, there’ll be tough times and the occasional sadness, but as they accomplish and accumulate, their happiness will go up and up and up.
Most people die a few percentage points happier than they were as children. Marriage, employment, friendship, growth… all it results in is a few percentage points of change.
No surprise. Happiness is counter-intuitive.
One study tracked the same individuals over the span of 20 years. At the end, most were just a small bit happier than they were at the start.
But there were exceptions! Their baseline level of happiness increase by 20, 30, even 50% over the course of those 20 years.
Those exceptions were few, with less than 5% of the people studied showing changes of that magnitude. But they existed.
You can choose to follow the whims of your desire. You can choose to follow the idealizations of your culture. You’ll end up like the 95% who ended up just a bit happier than they started.
Or you can follow the exceptions. Act with intention, informed by science. End up 50% happier.
Here are 54 things you can do to be more like them: