How to Create The Best Version of Your Body
How to Create The Best Version of Your Body
with Mastin Kipp
Weight loss that never sticks. Body image issues. Fitness confusion. Getting in shape and losing it. An adversarial relationship with food. Fad diets.
Sound familiar?
I have tried almost every fad diet out there. I’ve struggled with body images issues my whole life, and they have only increased as I have stepped more into the public eye.
About a year ago, I decided that I was ignorant, confused and knew nothing about nutrition. I didn’t know who to listen to. I didn’t know where to go.
Why did certain diets, like the Bulletproof and Paleo Diet, work for so many people, but not me? Why did I gain weight when others lost weight? Why did I keep getting injured in the gym? Why was gout coming back? Why did I start having plantar fascitis? Why was my lower back spasming so bad I could barely walk.
I found the answer, and it’s in this week’s episode of Daily Love TV.
It was time for a change. And an intervention. So, I found the best experts in the field of fitness and nutrition.
And when I was in Bali last year, I decided to get serious about fitness.
My research for the best of the best led me to a man who I think is on the cutting edge of fitness, nutrition and wellness.
His name is Dr. Philip Goglia, and he is a genius.
Dr. G helped Chris Pratt lose 60 pounds in six months. He works with many Marvel Superhero actors and most of Hollywood.
But, he also works with my parents.
And he found that not all bodies and metabolisms are created equally…:
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