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How to Ask for What You Want – And Get It

How to Ask for What You Want – And Get It

How to Ask for What You Want – And Get It

It isn’t always easy to express our desires. We worry that others will see us as pushy or demanding, or that we’ll be turned down. But asking for what you want is a necessary part of life, and I’ve found that the more you practice it, the easier it becomes. Here are the five things I want you to remember:

Ask with commitment. 
The first ask is for yourself: Question whether this is really what you want. Only when you’re certain of your true desires will you have the courage to pursue them.

Ask with awareness. 
Every request comes with a price — there is no free lunch. For instance, asking for a raise may mean a tense conversation with your boss — and if you’re successful, nine times out of ten the raise will come with additional responsibilities. That’s the cost: You have to be willing to do what’s required. We cannot enjoy the benefit if we can’t accept the price.

Ask without fear. 
Fear is an obstacle that blocks your capacity to receive. I’m not just talking about the fear of making your voice heard. I’m also talking about the fear of getting what you want and realizing it’s not all you’d hoped it would be, the fear of the responsibility that will come with it, the fear of losing it, and the fear of what will happen if you don’t get it. These are all common, and they can get in the way of going after the things you yearn for most.

Read the Full Article: How to Ask For What You Want – And Get It

4 TED Talks to Help You See Your Money in a New Way

4 TED Talks to Help You See Your Money in a New Way

4 TED Talks to Help You See Your Money in a New Way

Are you poor? Swimming in debt? Overwhelmed by words like budget, interest, or savings? The good news is you aren’t alone. The bad news is that your money situation is an emergency and needs immediate attention.

We’ve written about money management before, like how to learn personal finance the easy way. Indeed, personal finance is a skill everyone should practice. However, though there are tons of money mobile apps out there, it’s important to understand that there are no shortcuts to proper money management.

Not sure where to begin? Start with these TED Talks. While we recognize that TED Talks aren’t optimal for direct education, they are good for priming your mind and helping you understand the WHYs of personal finance before pursuing the HOWs.

Change the Way You Think About Money

“Debt used to be a four-letter word.” Meaning, debt used to be a profane idea that everyday people would avoid to the best of their ability. Contrast that with contemporary first world culture: debt is the norm and you’re given the stink eye if you are loan-averse.

In this 14-minute talk, Preet Banerjee makes a case for why we should revert our mindsets back to a time when debt was undesirable. “We need to start hating debt again,” he says. The key to climbing out of a money hole is to change the way you think about money.

One Life-Changing Class You Never Took

Allow me to ask you two simple questions. First, has anyone in your life ever taught you the fundamentals of personal finance? If so, how many of those lessons do you live by on a daily basis? For most of us our answers would be, “What the heck is personal finance?”

In this 11-minute talk, Alexa von Tobel explores why over 75% of Americans feel out of control with their money and why so many people in this country worry about money every day. As it turns out, we aren’t as poor as we think we are; we’re just bad at managing our money.

44 Ways to Make More Money

44 Ways to Make More Money

44 Ways to Make More Money

Usually, people who want to bolster their finances trim their expenses.

But cutting costs only goes so far. Unless you already make a lot of money and spend like a bon vivant, most people can’t eke out that much more from their budget by decreasing expenses. Plus, the more you retrench, the more your quality of life suffers. (It’s all relative, though — certainly some overspenders could actually improve their lives by tempering their expenditures.)

If you’re looking to increase your revenue streams, take heart: Opportunities to earn extra money abound for people at all levels of experience. While the gigs requiring more experience will pay more money, for those starting out, even the earnings of lower-paying jobs will add up over time.

That extra money can be put toward helping you pay down debt, boost your net worth or save for big goals, such as making the leap to freelance.

Read the Full Article: 44 Ways to Make More Money

How Much Money Do You Need to Be Successful?

How Much Money Do You Need to Be Successful?

How Much Money Do You Need to Be Successful?

In the last couple of years, I noticed this leap in entrepreneurial marketing from learning relationship sales to marketing to make six or seven figures. At first I thought, “Sure, I want to know how to make that much money.” And then I started feeling like entrepreneurial success was changing focus to the amount of money I made instead of what I and my company accomplished. As I subscribed to trying more money structures I found myself even more frustrated because what they were prescribing didn’t feel aligned with how I wanted to work and be valued. Yes, I want to make money, and I want to get paid what I’m worth, not selling myself short. But I want to do it in an ethical, respectful way, based on experience, knowledge and expertise. And I don’t want my focus of the whole business to revolve around numbers. Accomplishments are not only based on the income I make.

What disturbed me was seeing first-time coaches and newbie entrepreneurs with little wisdom and small track records asking $10,000+ for a year of coaching or $5,000 for a half day via strategic marketing. We are being taught to make money off each other by marketing to our fears and insecurities around money. It bothers me that people believe the cost of something determines positive results. While it is true that someone with greater expertise and experience, training and intuition should be paid accordingly, asking for more money just because a marketing campaign requires it does not equal quality and results.

The problem with the business models based on marketing is that it not only dilutes the quality of services. It also doesn’t start at the base of your own money vows. Be responsible and know that learning to make more money without reprogramming your limiting childhood money mindset and beliefs is not sustainable.

Your purpose is to express who you truly are and doing that will bring many rewards.

Examine your focus in your profession and calling. Where is your emphasis? Is it on money instead of living your passions and purpose? I’d like you to think about what is important to you and get clear about money in your life so you can detangle the two. I feel like millennials are holding the new focus of a meaningful life over a sacrificed life. When you’re focused on money, your attention goes to how much you are not making and this is bringing down your life force energy, lowering your confidence and your natural charisma in your service.

Read the Full Article: How Much Money Do You Need to Be Successful?