What 11 Successful People Wish They’d Known About Money in Their 20s
What 11 Successful People Wish They’d Known About Money in Their 20s
Even the wealthiest, most successful people are prone to making money mistakes.

Some of the wildest “make a ton of money” tips include
Become a pro athlete. Please don’t count on this. Not only are the odds of becoming a pro-athlete incredibly small (source), but it also requires a lifetime of practice, iteration, and dedication to improvement. And who likes sports?
Win the lottery. You already know you’ve got a better chance of being hit by a meteorite or struck by lightning than swimming in a pool of Powerball cash.
Join a multi-level marketing (MLM) business. I hate MLMs so much. It’s an industry filled with fraud and broken promises — one in which you can reasonably expect to not only be swindled, but to then swindle others, too.
These “get rich quick” schemes are just not realistic. If it were truly that simple, everyone would be wealthy.
Having said that, there are some proven, legitimate ways to get rich — over time.
In fact, I’ll give you 3 proven steps anyone can take to become rich. They do take time. But do any one of them and you’ll set yourself up for lasting success. Do all three, and you’re almost guaranteed to be rich.
1. Become an investment wizard
Investing early and often is the single best way to get rich. And the sooner you start, the easier it is to be worth a lot of money — without working nearly as hard.
That’s not a hyped-up promise. That’s a guarantee based on 100+ years of evidence in the stock market.
But don’t just take my word for it.
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