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9 Things To Do Immediately After A Breakup

9 Things To Do Immediately After A Breakup

9 Things to Do After A Breakup

Ruts happen. Sometimes you find yourself in a boring, but very adult pattern of working, doing chores, and then working some

No two breakups are the same. Sure, they may have similarities and tend to stir up negative emotions, but they’re usually upsetting for a wide range of different reasons. No matter what kind of relationship ended though — whether it was with someone you’ve been with for years or with someone you’ve only been seeing for a short period of time — there are things you should always do immediately following a breakup.

“There is an art to breaking up with someone,” Audrey Hope, a celebrity relationship expert, tells Bustle. “If you do what needs to be done, you can sail through it.”

Regardless of who ended the relationship or how it came to an end, it’s common to feel a wide range of emotions after the breakup, which makes this a time where your needs should be your top priority in order to move past this.Taking time to heal after splitting up with your partner is vital for a healthy transition into being single and eventually a new relationship. So what are the things you need to do after ending a relationship?

Here are nine things you should always do immediately following a breakup, according to Hope.

1. Meet up with your loved ones.
Immediately following a breakup, it’s important to surround yourself with people who love you. Meet up with your friends and visit your family. Your loved ones care about your wellbeing and they’ll keep you distracted from thoughts about your ex. “Talk to them, laugh and make dinner plans,” Hope says. “Basically spend as much time as you can with friends and as little time alone as possible.”

Read the Full Article: 9 Things to Do Immediately After a Breakup

What is More Important – Love or Commitment?

What is More Important – Love or Commitment?

What is More Important – Love or Commitment?

I thought that love conquered all.

I used to be such a starry-eyed believer of love. I thought that love conquered all – and that as long as you shared that feeling with someone, it meant that the relationship would last. In the theory of fairytales and movies, this may be the case, but in North American reality – not quite. Instead, love is only one of the many ingredients needed for a long-lasting partnership. But the concerning issue is – people put so much weight on the feeling of love, a feeling that inevitably changes, takes different forms and can get blinded easily.

A partnership is not just about the emotions and feelings of love. A partnership is about commitment, and being responsible to that commitment regardless of what the external variables of the time are. It’s about the commitment to choosing decisions that will serve the relationship even when it would “feel” better to not. Married or not married, when you decide to enter into a partnership with another, commitment means you act with integrity, respect and care -even when your emotions are telling you otherwise.

Because love isn’t enough. Let me clarify, love, in the way most of us define it, isn’t enough.

Read the Full Article: What’s More Important – Love or Commitment?

6 Ways to Have More Fun In Your Long-Term Relationship

6 Ways to Have More Fun In Your Long-Term Relationship

6 Ways to Have More Fun In Your Long-Term Relationship

Sometimes life is just about getting through it. But sometimes life is also about fun.

Ruts happen. Sometimes you find yourself in a boring, but very adult pattern of working, doing chores, and then working some more. Sometimes life is just about getting through it. But sometimes life is also about fun. In fact, USA Today reported that having fun in your relationship isn’t just… well, fun. It’s actually essential. A study from researchers at the University of Denver found that couples who didn’t make time for fun weren’t as happy and didn’t stay together as long. That’s likely because having fun together is related to related to being friends and being friends leads to a happier union.

If you’re in one of those ruts, adding fun to your relationship doesn’t have to be some big overwhelming deal. You don’t have to reschedule your life or spend a lot of money. Simple tasks like leaving little notes and making time to laugh can bring more joy to your days. If you want to make a drastic change, there’s always fun stuff like vacations and adventures, but most of the work will be done in your daily interactions and with some easy tweaks to your free time. Here are six easy ways to have more fun in your long-term relationship.

1. Play

This seems super obvious and also super vague, but play is a vital part of a happy life. Even animals stop to play, according to Margarita Tartakovsky, M.S. of Psych Central, who equates fun to oxygen. Try taking queues from children to get more playful in your relationship. Be uninhibited. Laugh. Joke. Tease each other (in good fun) and talk about happy, exciting things.

Read the Full Article: 6 Ways to Have More Fun In Your Long-Term Relationship

The Secret to Desire in a Long Term Relationship

The Secret to Desire in a Long Term Relationship

The Secret to Desire in a Long Term Relationship | Esther Perel

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In long-term relationships, we often expect our beloved to be both best friend and erotic partner. But as Esther Perel argues, good and committed sex draws on two conflicting needs: our need for security and our need for surprise. So how do you sustain desire? With wit and eloquence, Perel lets us in on the mystery of erotic intelligence.

Interactive Transcript: The Secret to Desire in a Long Term Relationship

Staying Present In Your Relationship

Staying Present In Your Relationship

In the Moment: Staying Present in Your Relationship

Real relationships are rooted in chaos and unexpected crossroads – stay present through all the bliss and the burdens.

Daydreams of finding love, falling in love and remaining in love often consume us. There’s neither a crystal ball nor a diary detailing a relationship’s fate, which often creates fear and uncertainty. Will a first date lead to a second? How long will it be before my boyfriend proposes? Will marriage reflect the fantasies of my childhood storybooks?

An eagerness to dream about a relationship’s future— or similarly, to dwell in its past— steers us from enjoying the moment. The kind of timeless moment you witnessed the elderly couple having as they strolled through the market. Here are five encouragements for staying present in your relationship, whether you’re in a flirty fling or a years-long courtship.



Begin by tossing out that checklist you’ve been keeping. The one detailing the right kind of partner, the appropriate wedding date, the career you’ll build, the number of children you’ll have and the garden home you’ll live in. While it’s important to discuss the future, expect that priorities will change, plans will switch and promises here and there will inevitably be broken.

Read the Full Article: How to Stay Present in Your Relationship