9 Things To Do Immediately After A Breakup
9 Things to Do After A Breakup

Ruts happen. Sometimes you find yourself in a boring, but very adult pattern of working, doing chores, and then working some
No two breakups are the same. Sure, they may have similarities and tend to stir up negative emotions, but they’re usually upsetting for a wide range of different reasons. No matter what kind of relationship ended though — whether it was with someone you’ve been with for years or with someone you’ve only been seeing for a short period of time — there are things you should always do immediately following a breakup.
“There is an art to breaking up with someone,” Audrey Hope, a celebrity relationship expert, tells Bustle. “If you do what needs to be done, you can sail through it.”
Regardless of who ended the relationship or how it came to an end, it’s common to feel a wide range of emotions after the breakup, which makes this a time where your needs should be your top priority in order to move past this.Taking time to heal after splitting up with your partner is vital for a healthy transition into being single and eventually a new relationship. So what are the things you need to do after ending a relationship?
Here are nine things you should always do immediately following a breakup, according to Hope.
1. Meet up with your loved ones.
Immediately following a breakup, it’s important to surround yourself with people who love you. Meet up with your friends and visit your family. Your loved ones care about your wellbeing and they’ll keep you distracted from thoughts about your ex. “Talk to them, laugh and make dinner plans,” Hope says. “Basically spend as much time as you can with friends and as little time alone as possible.”
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