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4 Ways To Be A More Authentic Person

4 Ways To Be A More Authentic Person

4 Ways To Be A More Authentic Person

Learn to be always by yourself, regardless of the situation.

The truth is that we have all had moments of inauthenticity. It can be difficult to maintain authenticity in uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations. You may worry that your “real” self isn’t good enough or appropriate for the situation at hand, and you fear rejection. So instead of showing up as yourself, you show up as the person you think everyone else will like.

While adapting to your environment is certainly beneficial in some situations, shifting your personality completely is problematic. Simply put, people can tell if you aren’t being authentic, and that’s a turn-off. Cheesy, phony, fake, insincere, pretentious, disingenuous are just a few words we use to describe inauthentic people. Notice that none of them are a compliment!

Ultimately, people are attracted to authenticity. It makes us feel comfortable, safe, and respected. We want to be around and associated with authentic people. Here are four techniques that help you be your most authentic self, even in uncomfortable situations.

Be Keenly Self-Aware: As with many paths to self-improvement, you must start with observing yourself. As you meet new people, engage in work meetings, and spend time with different social groups, try to observe how you feel in each situation. When do you feel most comfortable? When do you feel like you are squirming in someone else’s skin? Leaning to be more observant and self-aware will allow you to recognize when you are feeling uncomfortable, understand why you are feeling uncomfortable, and signal to yourself to intentionally draw upon your authentic self.

Read the Full Article:  4 Ways To Be A More Authentic Person

The Power of Vulnerability

The Power of Vulnerability

The Power of Vulnerability | Brene Brown

In the video above, Brene Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. http://www.ted.com

Happiness Comes From One Thing

Happiness Comes From One Thing

Harvard Studied People For 75 Years & Found That Happiness Comes From One Thing…

What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life?

If you think it’s fame and money, you’re not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you’re mistaken.

As the director of 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction.

In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life.

Read the Full Article: Happiness Comes from One Thing

The 5 Stages Of Relationships

The 5 Stages Of Relationships

Relationship Advice: The 5 Stages Of Relationships

Bruce Muzik

In this video, you’ll discover the 5 Relationship Stages that committed relationships go through and why they get stuck.

Knowing the 5 stages of relationship are critical to fixing your relationship or marriage when it gets into trouble.

Why do some relationships break up and others last a lifetime?

One reason is that relationships go through 5 predictable relationship stages, each building on the last.

By understanding the 5 stages of relationship, you can be better prepared to navigate through each stage successfully and not get “stuck” in any of them.

Here are the 5 stages of relationship (as identified by Dr. Susan Campbell during a study of hundreds of couples):

04:19 – 1. The Romance Stage
06:16 – 2. The Power Struggle Stage
11:05 – 3. The Stability Stage
11:54 – 4. The Commitment Stage
12:58 – 5. The Co-Creation or Bliss Stage

You’ll learn why you’ve attracted your partner and an alternative to breaking up or surviving a marriage or relationship that has lost its passion.

The Spiritual Lesson of Your Romantic Relationship

The Spiritual Lesson of Your Romantic Relationship

The Spiritual Lesson of Your Relationship: Mastin Kipp

Love and passion in a relationship make our lives come alive.

Love. Romantic love.

Do you crave it? Did you have it and lose it? Do you feel stuck in your relationship where before you felt free? Or maybe you went through a rough breakup and are timid about getting into another relationship.

Here’s the good news – there is a spiritual lesson in every romantic relationship.

If you are single, you can learn the lesson from your previous relationship, or if you are in a relationship, you can learn the lesson and go deeper.

Want to learn the spiritual lesson of your relationship? That’s what this week’s training is all about.

Love and passion in a relationship make our lives come alive. A fulfilling relationship makes your life worth living. It takes you deeper. It heals you. It brings your heart out.

My therapist once told me after I had read hundreds of self-help books, “Congrats Mastin, now if you really want to grow, get into a relationship.”

BOOM – what powerful advice.

Read the Full Article: The Spiritual Lesson of Your Relationship