You’ve heard me say this A LOT.
Standing in our truth is essential for living an authentic + purpose-driven life.
I have helped loads of professionals gain clarity on what they want to say and how to say it, whether it be to a boss, employee, client, colleague, romantic partner, or friend. Knowing our truth is one thing, yet, knowing when to express it, is another.
I remember years ago when I was just learning to my truth, I got clear on what was true for me and drummed up the courage to express what I was feeling to a man I was dating. Truth be told, what came out of my mouth wasn’t pretty. It was messy.
Communication is an art and it takes practice.
Communicating your truth will give you greater power and freedom in your life, yet just because you have an urge to share, think about whether what you want to say will land with the other person. Will the other person be able to hear you? Will it bring you closer or farther apart? What is your reason for sharing?
Here are simple and proven communication strategies for any conversation:
1. Know what you want to say
2. Keep it simple
3. Be confident in your point of view
4. Speak from your heart with compassion
5. Be present and listen
6. Look for synergistic outcomes
If you’ve been putting off the “promotion” conversation with your boss, or the “relationship” conversation or something else is top of mind, book your free Communication Clarity Call with me here. In just 30 minutes, you’ll have a solution to what’s eating at you.
Stand in Your Truth