11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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The topic of feeling guilty came up in conversation with a client last week. She’s a high performing executive, super successful and an amazing mother, daughter, spouse and friend. 

We’ve all felt guilty at some point in our lives. I used to say if you were Catholic, Jewish or lived in the Midwest you were prone to guilt! I grew up in Wisconsin and Michigan so I can say that hands down. The good news is in my late 20s, I started questioning why    I felt guilty. For the most part, I choose not to go there anymore.

More women feel guilty than men. It’s a fact. It’s not surprising since women are socialized to get along with others and take care of the people we love. We do this so well. It’s a good thing to be concerned about others. The problem is when we feel guilty for something we did or didn’t do, or something we thought we did or didn’t do or for not doing enough. That’s when it becomes crazy making. 

If you hurt someone or committed a crime, you have my full permission to feel guilty! If you didn’t, and you’re feeling guilty about not doing enough, it’s time to break the habit. Why? Because it’s not fair to you. 

Feeling guilty keeps us small. It keeps us not feeling good about ourselves. It keeps us from stepping into our true power.

If you often feel guilty, ask yourself these 3 questions to #breakfree:

Is it true I did something wrong?

Is it true I’m not doing enough?

Is it true this person feels neglected?

Appreciate yourself for who you are and all that you do. You deserve to feel good. Every single day. You are AMAZING.

Say buh-bye to guilt. Say hello to feeling super powerful and free. 

Break Free