11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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It’s Winter Solstice today, the shortest and darkest day of the year. A time to pause, BREATHE, reflect and renew.

The shortest day can only mean brighter days ahead.

It’s been easy to focus on the darkness surrounding us lately. Let’s face it, it’s an intense year FOR EVERYONE. People are tired and at their wits end.

Yet, truth be told, darkness, begets darkness. Anger begets anger. Resentment begets resentment. Anxiety begets anxiety. Hate begets hate. And fear begets more fear.

On the flip side, light begets light. Peace begets peace. Calm begets calm. Kindness begets kindness. Respect begets respect. And joy and gratitude, begets more joy and gratitude.

Just like a highly contagious virus, emotions can be like a super spreader event.

If you’re feeling stressed and A LOT of fear these days, believe me, you are not alone! Today is an opportunity to SHIFT.

From patience to understanding

From distraction to presence

From crazy busy to more ease

From self loathing to self love

From judging others to accepting

From cynical to trusting

From feeling like a victim, to feeling empowered

You always have the power to turn on the lights or sit in the darkness. FLIP THE SWITCH to bring more light into your life and your relationships.