11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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It’s an unprecedented time, to say the least. Stress, pressure, fear and anxiety are at another all time high. I wrote this 3 years ago and it hasn’t let up.

While it is true we’re living in a time where things seem a bit nuts, there is an upside.

Challenge wakes us up. It makes things real. It gives us clarity. It makes our will stronger. It creates opportunities. It makes us work smarter to achieve our goals.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 15 years. I co-founded a sales and marketing consulting group, an executive recruiting firm, and a business consulting and coaching practice. I had the foresight to hire consultants and coaches to advise me in areas such as creating on-line business, marketing, messaging, social media and everything tech. I decided early on that I didn’t want to wing it so I surrounded myself with experts I could learn from.

I’ve learned a lot through the years. I’ve worked with dozens of entrepreneurs and consulted with companies at every stage of growth. I’ve also helped corporate coaching clients create a side gig that became their main gig.

Whether you are an entrepreneur just starting out or a business owner in growth mode, each business phase requires different things from you. How would if feel to have an expert partner with you to:

  • Clarify your vision
  • Refine your business strategy and priorities
  • Create a compelling value proposition
  • Build authentic branding and messaging
  • Unique offerings and pricing
  • Sales and strategic partnerships
  • Expand and grow
  • Develop a certainty of success mindset

Download my Mindset Tips for Entrepreneurs.


What breakthrough are you seeking?

If you need some direction or your business needs a tune up, I can help.
Let’s talk. Book a complimentary call with me.