11 Rules To Break To Set Yourself Free

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We all have mixed feelings at times. I certainly do, seriously – who doesn’t! You know what I mean, when it’s hard to choose or decide because your head tells you one thing and your heart says another.

Here are a few ways it plays out:

“I’d love to pursue my passion but I CAN’T.  I need the security my job gives me, even though It sucks me dry.”

“I’m super attracted to this person and we have so much fun together. BUT I have a different picture, he/she isn’t “who I thought I’d be with”. 

“I don’t want to go to the party – it will be boring. Yet I’m OBLIGATED because I said  I would go. I need to do the “right” thing that’s who I am.”

Our analytical minds guide us in many ways but often its advice is geared to the “shoulds” in life – how it “should” look, how you “should” be, what you “should” do or look like. ​​​​​​​Shoulds drain our energy and are joy killers. They keep us stuck, in question mode, feeling ambivalent. They keep us from taking action towards what we want most.

​​​​​​To get your head and heart aligned, ask yourself these questions. 

What thoughts, beliefs and feelings are in the way of doing what I really want?

What does my heart say?

Will I regret NOT doing this?

What’s the worst thing that can happen if I go for it?

Write down your answers. Confusion will naturally diffuse once you start writing.

Trust clarity will come. A NO can turn into a YES at any time.